Better Damage Feedback

better, make it an option next to your map. that way you can look and see if its going well, and if so, turn it off and enjoy the fireworks

I have such a button on my map in version 1.41 .
It’s marked with a “+6”.

I used to like diverse builds. Now that I know what each module is doing, I’m just building CL ships. I was appalled to read that the CLs were doing six times (or more) the damage of the fast missiles, plasma, beams, and anything else I could load up on. Now I have to decide between doing the most damage, and having cool-looking ships.

Did anyone else find this?

Cruiser lasers have always been one of the best weapons, but the others still have their uses.

beam weapons are also very powerful

Something that could make the damage less spammy is to leave off the text prefix to the numbers. Since the damage is color coded anyway, there’s really no reason for it to say “hull damage 6.” It could just be the correctly colored “6” and work just as well. I think this would allow it to be informative without covering up all the epic explosions happening in the background.

I still think a size difference based off damage scale would do nicely.

“-2 Hull” from a fighter is nowhere near as relevant as a 108 damage shockwave.

That’s a good idea.

Insightful idea for the UI’s new damage tags. Seconded!

what about damage to the shield stability done by Disruptor Launcher:?:

i knew there was something missing. still awesome and super helpful

I like having this as an option, but frankly I think it makes the battle uglier. Is there a way to turn it off? I didn’t see anything in the Options that looked relevant. I’m running version 1.42.

press the +6 button by the map

Thanks! That’s even better than having it under Options, since it’s so quick to toggle.

dont thank me, i certainly didnt help design it. thank cliff. oh btw, ive found that it only works when running GSB from the program files folder, so if you are modding, remember to run it from program files