Can't Start a New Game

Whenever I try to start a new game, the window closes out and doesn’t re-open. I’ve tried verifying the game cache and uninstalling/reinstalling it, but still every time the loading screen finishes the game closes. Is there anything I can do to try to fix this? Thanks.

I had the same issue. Doing the Windows update fixed it for me.
My initial issue: I would start the game, small load screen would pop up, disappear, then nothing.
Happened using Steam, and direct load.

I think I’m running the latest version of windows, though.

Same here. The game briefly appears to load and instantly crashes. Every attempt at starting since around 2018 has produced the same results. It was installed on Windows 7/8/10 all with the same crash.

Also, all updates have either been done or attempted. Just now, I tried one more and it gets stuck. It gives conflicting claims about the download being paused(it isn’t) or it being stuck on a locked text folder(which also is neither open nor locked.)

EDIT: Now it is claiming that the sound folder is locked. No it’s not!

Finally, coming to and registering for this forum was fraught with errors. The forum itself kept giving 404 errors- and that was with no scripts,XSS, cookies… blocked.

I would like a working solution or a refund.