Congratulations Cliffski!


I don’t want this sentiment to get lost in all the bug reporting! I just wanted to let you know that the game looks and feels wonderful! It has a very professional essence that is very rare to see from an indie developer (much less a one-man operation).

I look forward to dominating your fleets and those of your pesky followers as well.

Thanks again!


That’s a good point. Thanks for the game!

Same for me Cliffski !

Thank you for that game and the effort that you have thrown into it ! It looks sweet and promises many good plays.

This is indeed an awesome game, enjoying it very much :slight_smile:

Lots of potential fun here, once all the bugs are ironed out.

Better go back to the drawing board with that challenge though, those missiles are nothing against my Heavy Cruisers :>

bump for Cliff’s happiness! Btw, how are the sales going thus far?

not bad. I’m just paranoid that people will think the game is horribly buggy! There are basically two seemingly random crash bugs, one in the third party sound stuff, and one in the only piece of code in the entire game I took from an online tutorial (line intersection checking).
I should have almost everything fixed quite soon (maybe tomorrow I’ll update it with a huge chunk of fixes).
I’m glad people seem to have the patience to see through the early fixable niggles, and still enjoy the game.

I fully expected it to have bugs and crash like crazy, so when it did I wasn’t surprised. Nothing works 100% right out the gate, the process of refining and polishing will help smooth these things out. It really feels like a game with great potential, keep up the good work and congratulations, you have my money and support! xD

It’s a beta, if they complain about bugs in a beta they’re stupid anyway.

I’m having a blast so-far, thanks very much Cliffski! This game really hits the casual strategy sweetspot.

Just d/l the game. Will be playing as soon as I get home from work, I can’t wait to challange my coworker who has done the same. =)

Its got fewer bugs than most non indi games, battilfield 2412 still crashes on me to this day and i cannot play some people online in Empire total war, one esaly wroked around crash bug is all ive had here.

Its got fewer bugs than most non indi games, battilfield 2412 still crashes on me to this day and i cannot play some people online in Empire total war, one esaly wroked around crash bug is all ive had here.

You are the fucking man.

This game reminds me of the book Enders Game in a very distinct way. Sure you can’t control the ships directly, but you can build in how they act with your range and tactical settings, so it is nearly as good. Really awesome feel to the game. I knew I would buy it just from the previews, and I’m glad to finally be helping test it and support your work. Great job dude.

Congrats on the release, Cliff :slight_smile:

Anyone complaining at this point should be reminded that it’s a Beta! :slight_smile:

When I first heard about GBS, I really hoped it would be good. I pictured the kind of thing I’ve pretty much always wanted to play – large fleets of ships with realistic roles blasting each other into beautiful, colorful, fantastic glowy bits of burning technology. I wanted Babylon 5 + Star Trek + Star Wars, with the chance to play engineer to tweak the ships out how I wanted.

GBS totally delivers that to me, even in beta form. The mods for this game are going to be absolutely fantastic. I’m hoping Cliff earns enough through sales that he can continue adding cool stuff, because this is such great fun for me that I can see it staying on my hard drive forever. Unlike most of the AAA games, heh.

Congratulations Cliff, I really look forward to hearing you say that this game outsells all your others. Maybe even all your others combined … wouldn’t that be utterly brilliant?

Havent had much time to play with GSB yet, but i’ve really enjoyed the few games i’ve managed to fit in. Nice work!