Deployment delays (per ship). desirable?

Some people are, and I should have a way to integrate this into the challenge stuff somehow…

It would be interesting if we were forced to deploy at least 50% of our force in the first wave.

Otherwise I would make all my challege fleets warp in at the last possible moment, just to circumvent whatever clever scheme the enemy had planned. :-p

This is potentially a very cool feature.

It would be EXTREMELY cool if we were allowed to choose a random warp in area.

You could choose 2 (or more) area of arrival for the same ships. When the countdown to arrival is up, ALL the ships will warp in in one of the potential areas - randomly chosen.

I think it would make for pretty cool challenges : where are these 10 squadrons of torpedo fighters going to warp in ? Left, right or center ? Randomness is awesome !


I’m not picky about the details. I’m just very much in support of any kind of delay!

If I tie frigates to cruisers (using formations) then they move too slowly once the battle starts. It would be great to try to have them arrive to the battle line at roughly the same time. Same goes with anti-frigate fighters. I don’t want to hold them back with escort (unless you can increase escort range to 1000 maybe), but if they race off at the beginning of the battle then they’re toast.

An alternative solution would be an expiration condition on formations.

Thanks for being so receptive and asking for our feedback!

yeah, i’m fully supporting this. i especially like the panic it causes for enemy captains: "Oh god, please, let us live… hm? What?! NOOOOOOOO! More enemy ships are entering the sector. I repeat, more enem-- "

This would be great for deploying fast ships you don’t want charging ahead, but don’t want to tie to an escort or formation, as well as fighters you want to use to attack enemy ships, AFTER the battle has already begun instead of a simple preliminary strike.

It would be nice to set triggers too. Like
Wave enters when:

  • First shot fired
  • First ship destroyed
  • Target ship destroyed

I could see a definite use for commanding a bunch of torpedo fighters to show up as soon as my lead ship is dead (indicating that the battle is probably well underway).

Entering at a specific time wouldn’t be that generally useful since some times would be too late versus fast fleets while being too early versus those slow one-engine fleets.

I would like to see times over 1 minute. Here is why.

I would like to be able to field a force I THINK will be able to do the job, but have some backup in the wings if needed.

This could say give you a honour bonus based on the unused ships. Say 1/2 of not fielding them at all.

I would say up to five minutes would be great.


I think this would be definitely desirable and you could just add this to the orders thing without any fuss!

Here’s a thought that I haven’t seen so far in this thread - how about a delay option with a % fleet damage tied to it? (three additional cruisers jump in when my fleet is down to 30%) That way you can set ships aside as reserves rather than reinforcements - if you’re OK, they stay out of it, but they are ready to jump in if the fight gets too rough. Maybe put a limit on the number of pilots that can be designated as reserves to avoid abuse?

I also really like the idea of making extra places for your delayed ships to jump in, and putting a slight randomizing to the time and place of arrival - after all, no battle plan survives contact with the enemy. Or sometimes contact with your allies.

And I feel comfortable running my mouth on this because cliff brought the idea up, so I assume he’s got to have some ideas for implementation already. Thus I feel like I’m not asking for the impossible - just the highly improbable: make everyone happy. :wink:

I like the idea of ‘ninjas’ have one tank, drawing the whole fleet in then BAM! Cruiser sandwich!