Election bug

Hi there is a very frustrating bug that happened in the first election after the first term. My party and an opposing party both got 32% of the votes with the difference of a few hundred voters in favor of the opposition party and in any case we are not in a coalition.

I hope this bug is resolved because for me it is frustrating.

See you later!!!

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Hi, I’m not sure what you mean? it sounds like the opposition party won (if only by a few hundred votes). Was this not the outcome? Do you have a screenshot of the result?

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I don’t have a screenshot but I can tell you that the opposition party won by hundreds of votes more than me, we were both 32%

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was this a 3 party mission then? coalitions only happen in 3 party games. I’m not sure if you are referring to 32% of the electorate, or 32% of votes actually cast.

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It was 3-party, 32% expressively given

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Oh I finally see what you mean! excuse my ignorance :smiley: You are saying that the 2nd party won, but you were close behind them and that you expected to be in a coalition with them as the major party yes?
The game does not do that, it ends at that point, as you are the lesser, minor party in the coalition, and thus would not be making as many decisions. I can see how this might be confusing though. I might need to change some wording

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I didn’t quite understand what you are saying. in what sense do you have to change wording?

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