[Empty Homes Tax] decreases [Socialism], why?

The fact that the game reduces Socialism when you increase the Empty Homes Tax looks like a oversite or a bug to me, what do you think?

I think some policies are kinda supposed to decrease membership of the people who like it because, roughly speaking, those people are only in that group because of outrage at an injustice?

Not quite sure if that’s the logic. But at any rate, at least for some policies this is not a bug. Whether it is for this one I don’t know


I suspect that is exactly what is going on here. It would make even more sense if it was more intergated with homelessness, people probably wouldn’t be so upset and turn socialist about some people having more homes as long as everyone has at least one.

Clicking on the Socialism value in Empty Homes Tax takes you to the Capitalist membership page so maybe it’s supposed to only affect them, although it actually seems to decrease membership of both groups.

I think memberships reflect people who feel certain policies are normal and good, and that making those policies part of the way your country works normalises them, increasing the amount of people who, for instance, think that taxing empty homes is normal. It doesn’t make sense for people to become socialists out of protest, because if they were that upset, they’d already be socialists.

Socialism and capitalism are opposites in the game, if something decreases socialism membership it automatically increases capitalism membership.

Socialism isn’t a personality trait, it is a voter group. If there are are problems that could be solved by socialistic policies, people might be inclined to vote socialist to solve said problem.

Socialism and capitalism are opposites in the game, if something decreases socialism membership it automatically increases capitalism membership.

I see, still weird that clicking on socialism would take you to the capitalist page.

If there are are problems that could be solved by socialistic policies, people might be inclined to vote socialist to solve said problem.

But being capitalist or socialist influences what you perceive as ‘problems’, it is the socialists that see equality as a problem, capitalists don’t care one way or another. Even if it did work that way, it wouldn’t make any sense to tie membership to the policy because the policy might not have fixed the problem.

I just figured it out, it doesn’t have anything to do with moving to socialism out of outrage, it’s right there in the description of the tax: “Popular in rural communities where wealthy buyers from other regions push up property prices meaning that many young people and the less well-off cannot afford to buy at all”.

By implementing the tax, you are making more homes available, those homes get bought by people would otherwise wouldn’t be homeowners, and being on the housing ladder makes you more capitalist.