ERROR: Missing global variable? [solved!]

I tried tweaking it some more, after I found the positech website. But I am still getting the (same) error message:

missing global variable:.\SIM_GlobalVariables.cpp40

name = Politician1
guiname = Politician
desc_male = Politician
desc_female = Politician
employer = The Government
workplace = Capitol Building
industry = legal
minsalary = 70000
maxsalary = 240000
tips =
locked = 0
rarity = 1.0
sociability = 0.2
socialkudos = 0
promote0 = confidence
promote1 = iq
promote2 = happiness
commutedistance = 5.7
duration = -1

0 = iq,0.70
1 = confidence,0.60
2 = publicspeaking,1.0
3 = peopleskills,0.40
4 = adv_law,1.0
5 = xp_legal,0.75
6 = kudos,60.00

0 = stress,0.35,_STRESS_DEGRADE
1 = xp_legal,0.01,_JOBXP_DEGRADE
2 = confidence,0.01,_CONFIDENCE_DEGRADE
3 = iq_reasoning,0.005,_IQ_DEGRADE

WOOT! +10 on confidence and happiness! :stuck_out_tongue:

I solved my problem. I figure I’ll leave this here for other people who might have the same issue.

the _CONFIDENCE_DEGRADE variable I added wasn’t set in the config.txt file. :unamused:

Once I set that, the game loaded, sans probleme :smiley: