First impression, awesome amount of fun and few bugs.


I’ve been having a lot of fun playing with the beta far. It seems to be really polished. There are a few things that forced me back to the desktop though.

  1. In online mode clicking on submit serial/code without entering any numbers crashed the game.
  2. During an online challenge the game crashed with the following error code. "Insert code went wrong:…\src\SIM_Beam\WeaponModule.cpp 306
  3. Setting the display to 2560*1600 resolution screws up the graphics causing the ships to stretch to the edge of the screen.
  4. (minor) the debug file list my OS as Windows Vista, but I’m runing Windows7 RC
  5. (minor) Deleting the original ship configurations causes a number of debug messages to appear in the debug.txt file, but the game runs fine.
  6. None of my crashes have generated any info in the errors.txt file.
  7. Fighters and frigates appear a bit blurry on the minimum zoom level.

Other than that the game runs fine on windows 7, will try vista and XP tomorrow.