French Translation

Hello Everyone, Hello Cliffski,

First of all, congratulations for this great game !

I don’t know if i post in the good forum but are you interested by a French Translation ?
Some terms and sentences are different for us (French) and could lead to confusion or at least to misunderstandings of the game.
Also, I just spent a big week translating those following topics (and I think it’s finished) :

  1. The tutorial : Make the sentences more adapted to the French language, add accents and clearer explanations on the tutorial.
  2. Research: Technologies and processes did not have the right names: (Valves = “Soupape”, Airco = “Ventilation”, Vent = “Calandre”, “Stop-Start system” ( we use this name for our cars), etc…
  3. The architecture of Process research tree on the engine and the powertrain. (for me, there is a big difference between each one). In the french version, it seems that it was inverted.
  4. Added the missing texts of upgrades in the French version for the options “headlights Xénon”, “headlights LED” “heated wingmirrors” and “foldable wingmirrors” in manufacture and task fit in each slots.
  5. Adaptations of various terms that we use in France and that is more understandable for us like “Alerte Franchissement de ligne”

Nevertheless, there are some terms that I had some difficulties to translate correctly as “No Export Room”. (So I used the term “overproduction” meaning that there were no slot available to receive the production).

and many others words …

I hope that I haven’t made any false sense to the original game.
If you like and you agree with this translation, could you (you or the positech team) upload the french translation and inform the french users ?
I put the translation as an attachment (12 files in 1 zip file). Do you prefer to broadcast it or do I have to upload the files to Steam?

Thanks for your replies
Congratulations again.

Edit : Following Cliffski’s explanation on the “Difference bettween Engine and Powertrain”, I was not entirely happy with the previous translation.
So I reworked this morning the part “engine” to have the same terms as on the original version.
I could not find a shorter synonym to explain the powertrain (“Groupe Motopropulseur”) which includes the engine and the “Calculateur” (ECU).
Translations_FR(v1.51).zip (30.7 KB)

Hi everybody,

This game is really great and time consuming. Too bad the French translation is not done correctly.

What would be nice, it would be to centralize this translation on terms to improve and be able to benefit the entire French community.

I am not a professional translator, so if you see a term that does not fit, tell me to do the correction.

The game is already more understandable and playable with this translation.

Here is my translation for version 1.56.
Tell me what you think and what would be better.


Salut à tous,

Ce jeu est vraiment génial et chronophage. Dommage que la traduction Française ne soit pas faite correctement.

Ce qui serait bien, ce serait de pouvoir centraliser cette traduction sur les termes à améliorer et pouvoir en faire profiter l’ensemble de la communauté Française.

Je ne suis pas traducteur professionnel, aussi si vous voyez un terme qui ne convennait pas, dites le moi pour que je fasse la correction.

Le jeu est déjà plus compréhesible et jouable avec cette traduction.

Voici MA traduction pour la version 1.56.
Dites moi ce que vous en pensez et ce qui serait à améliorer.

Traduction FR 1.56

1 Like

Salut à tous,

Nouvelle Traduction pour la version 1.65.

Certain fichiers sont simples et rapides à traduire, alors que d’autres sont plus long et plus difficiles (tournure de phrases ou longueur de mots qui débordent des étiquettes).

Cliff, Je t’envoie la traduction par E-Mail pour que tu y jettes un œil et me dire si elle te convient et si c’est OK pour la prochaine version (v1.66).

Traduction Française v1.65

Aussi, tous vos avis et commentaires seront les bienvenus pour faire évoluer cette traduction.

Bon jeu à tous,

Hi everybody,

New French Translation for version 1.65.

Some files are simple and quick to translate, while others are longer and more difficult (sentence turns or length of words that are overflowing labels).

Cliff, I send you the translation by E-Mail so that you can take a look and tell me if it’s well for the next realease (v1.66).

French Translation v1.65

Also, all your opinions and comments will be welcome to change this translation.

Good game everyone,

Thanks. The original french translation of the game was bad, but we are getting a lot of our early translation stuff checked and redone to ensure its decent quality.