[frigate MOD] Turbo Shields 2

As seen in another frigate mod thread:

Since you asked so nicely…

Should I post a bigger frigate shield? Or a better one?

Heck, let’s have both! :smiley:

I’m sure that we’re all agreed that, when compared to the shields immediately below it, the much-ballyhooed Turbo Shields were rather a disappointment. I’ve decided to address that creative mistake and offer you a substitution for what the original Turbo Shields should have been: the best defense for frigates.

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
classname = “SIM_ShieldModule”
category = “DEFENSES”
size = “FRIGATE”
name = “frigate turboshield 2”
guiname = “Turbo Shields 2”
description = " From the Archducal Labs: what the original (rubbish) Turbo Shield #should# have been. Improved: resistance, strength, recharge rate."
weight = 36
hitpoints = 54
recharge_rate = 0.014
cost = 103
icon = module_shield_turbo.dds
crew_required = 8
powerconsumed = 9
shieldpoints = 112
resistance = 14
slot_type = STANDARD
stack_effectiveness = 0.85
uisortpos = 2090

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = shieldpoints,DECIMAL
5 = crew_required,INTEGER
6 = resistance,DECIMAL
7 = recharge_rate,DECIMAL_MULT,1000