Gratuitous Universal Battles! DEVELOPMENT HAS STARTED![Mod]

So you’re taking time off from the mod to instead concentrate upon your school work? A prudent idea.

With respect, I think that by taking on this particular mod concept you’ve bitten-off much more than you can chew, and I likewise fear that this means the mod has a very substantial chance of never being completed. Nonetheless, I wish you good luck in your efforts. Hopefully there will still be an active forum community of GSB modders in the future when you return next May.

Yeah May is like, so Cliff what are working on after the release of GTB? :wink: But nevertheless, keep on working! The release of a combined mod could really boost sales / attract new costumers if advertised in the right manner…

Lol my mod gotten mentioned.

Sure go ahead use it. Maybe then it will have more than 3 downloads total.

Oops… >_>

MANY MANY apologies for disappearing. Obviously LOTS of stuff has happened, and as such I might not have my mod source anymore. I will keep looking and finish whatever I can. This thing has been scratching at the back of my mind for months and now I finally have the opportunity (read: No life) to maybe even finish it. If I can find my files I think I can get caught up and faster. But if not, I can start from scratch with no problems.

Welcome Back alimarin, and best of luck on finding those files!
Consider joining the Gratuitous Space Cult, as it is best cult, and now after the shameless plug is done with…

I also have trouble with my own mod and files although mines are more in hardware and problems there rather than findablility. (Is that even a word?)

Anyway we won’t force you to take too many painful penances for disappearing, and the GSC is kinda of a modder community thread so feel free to post any questions there.