[Guide] GSB_1_ "Modding 101" Guide

ok, And the pushing generated by the weapon, is modifiable?
I want to make a tactical push beam :smiley:

i think the pushing is depending on the damage, higher damage = harder push.

but again im not 100% shure

When creating a beam weapon, what is the difference between texture and beam_texture? Both have the same description in the handy list of module attributes.

beam_texture - used by SIM_ECMShockModule, SIM_ECMBeamModule, SIM_PointDefenseModule
This means that the game will only pull out a single graphic and stretch it between target and turret.
In the ECM modules, ther graphic file only contains 1 image however the Point defence modules use the same graphics as Beam weapons so it will retireve location 2

texture - this is used by SIM_LightningGunModule & SIM_BeamWeaponModule. The, Lightning dds file will have 8 different graphics in it which the module will cycle through to animate the beam. While the BeamWeapon will only have one which is in Location 2.


It seems that in the base data files, beam lasers (SIM_BeamWeaponModule) use “texture” (specifying a dds file) the same way as the lightning gun does. The ECM beam, on the other hand, uses “beam_texture”, again specifying a dds file. This is what confused me, as they appeared to do the same job.

Is the only difference that “texture” pulls the beam parts from the dds as shown in the guide picture, while “beam_texture” pulls them out differently?

Yeah, it is rather confusing, i still get myself turned from time to time.
The only diffence i understand is this:

- Beam_texture will stretch the graphic from turret to target.

- Texture will stretch the graphic from target to turret, but leave some room for the blasttexture.

Thanks for the explanation. Hopefully I won’t be the only one to find this useful.

No worries,

If you need some more detailed explanations for your modding tool, let me know
Which will be a very handy tool to have - especially for those that are just starting out

I might need some help when I add in the ability to show a preview of what the beam will look like, but for now I think I have enough information.


Now that will be a cool feature. To be able to preview the beam without having to load GSB. That was one part i did not really like was the constant open GSB, check the graphics to make sure they match the turret and then exit to fiddle a bit more.

It is on my todo list. At some point I’ll post up a list of intended features and you guys can vote on which ones you feel are most important, so I can prioritise my efforts on them.


I have ALL the parts neccessary to make a perfectly working Fighter, I even directly copied some text from both my modded fighter and then the unmodded ones, and nothing works. My fighters ALWAYS appear as little white boxes. I have tried just about everything. I have outlasted my patience.
I have all the sprite etc etc and it still fails!

Here is the code:

classname = fighter
name = HYena Droid Bomber
guiname = Hyena Droid Bomber
sprite = Picture 99.png
damagetexture = F302.png
hulktexture = F302.png
hulkUVstart = 0
hulkUVend = 3
width = 25
height = 35
powerproduced = 25.0
cost = 70
racename = Trade Federation






0 = 128.00,144.00,STANDARD,
1 = 172.00,214.00,STANDARD,
2 = 83.00,214.00,STANDARD,
3 = 128.00,44.00,TURRET,
4 = 145.00,60.00,TURRET
5 = 115.00,60.00,TURRET
6 = 95.00,80.00,TURRET
7 = 165.00,80.00,TURRET
8 = 128.00,100.00,STANDARD
9 = 128.00,120.00,STANDARD

1 = 128.00,44.00,EXP_FRIGATE


I have the picture for the bomber and a sprite in its folder, but every time I go into battle, they turn into white friggin boxes!


me and sir jamon just did a description: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=5924&p=41839#p41839

you NEED to name the sprite “_sprite” or else gsb wont recognise it, same goes for hulks.

im needing information about how works the Empire Shield Support Beam (values)

Based on my current knowledge this is what i think each one does:
capacitorsize - Maximum amount of shield energy the unit can hold
ssb_beamrate - The quantity of shield energy beamed over to the target per pulse
mincaptodischarge - if the shield energy is below this number then it will not fire.
ssb_rechargerate = How much shield energy the unit creates per second
pulseduration = the amount of time between pulses of transfering shield energy.
If you have a different idea on what these parameters control then post it up and let me know.

Based on feedback from other users (including darkstar076 above) and my own recent spelunking into the module files, here is a list of attributes not included in the list on the first page of this thread. These are based on the core data files only, I will update with additional attributes from the DLCs later if needed.

All modules

  • hidden


  • num_decoys
  • soundpriority (possibly common to all, but only ever used once - by the Cruiser Rocket Launcher)
  • decoy_release_range

SIM_ShieldSupportBeam - included, but not alphabetically :wink:

  • capacitorsize - Maximum amount of shield energy the unit can hold
  • ssb_beamrate - The quantity of shield energy beamed over to the target per pulse
  • mincaptodischarge - if the shield energy is below this number then it will not fire.
  • ssb_rechargerate = How much shield energy the unit creates per second
  • pulseduration = the amount of time between pulses of transfering shield energy.


  • animationgap
  • frames

Do we have a list of colours that the flareuvid values map to?

The colours are grabbed like bullets but instead of the bullets.dds file the game picks the flares from the missile_flare.dds file.

Colours are:
0 → Red
1 → Blue
2 → Yellow/Orange (I won’t argue about when something is yellow and when something is orange :P)
3 → White

Question: How much ecm_strength needs a EMP Shield for be really effective?

I had a look throught the forum and found the following:

Executive Summary: This the current buff proposal for the EMP Shield.
name = “cruiser_ecm shield”
ecm_strength = 82

I would STRONGLY suggest that you read the following theads to understand the background.

Current Balance changes Thread: Goes into the ballancing issues of GSB

Two threads which talks about EMP Shields in detail