Help a bug!

The game fails to launch. This the error code I get:

[1023/] FindFirstFile: The system cannot find the path specified. (0x3)

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Drawing attention to your issue.

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You might have to delete your directory file. That also happened to me with HoI 4 when I forgot to delete my directory.

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Try to go in this section and completely delete the democracy 4 folder.

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Unfortunately, Iā€™m not as tech savvy as you all are. I can figure some stuff out, but a more detailed explanation would be much appreciated! I do not have a democracy 4 folder in my documents folder.


It needs to be this folder with ā€œMy Gamesā€ click it and it should say something about democracy 4.

So when you open ā€œThis PCā€, you can either access documents by writting ā€œDocumentsā€ and pressing enter in the large bar on top, alternatively you can try to look to the left panel that displays ā€œDocumentsā€. (In case you didnā€™t know that already.) And then try to move that demo 4 folder to the desktop and try to start the game.

Iā€™m sorry if this wasnā€™t of help, I believe this gentleman can help @cliffski

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Maybe this is the problem then, because I do not have a My Games folder in Documents.

Figured it out!! The My Games folder wasnā€™t showing on my PC, but it was in my OneDrive ā†’ Documents. I couldnā€™t see it until I opened OneDrive on a browser. I deleted the Democracy 4 folder from there and it worked. Thanks so much for your help!


Thereā€™s many games who doesnā€™t function properly if the documents folder is outdated or corrupted.

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I so hate ā€˜onedriveā€™. You would think that a new cloud storage system by microsoft, running on a microsoft o/s would not cause issues with microsoft API calls to simple read and write files butā€¦ no. Its a complete trainwreck :frowning:


So far Cliff, Iā€™ve seen this problem occur on our offline documents storage and not onedrive.

Didnā€™t know it was so bad. :slight_smile:

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