I got a new laptop (ASUS Zenbook 14) and downloaded D4 on it from Humble Bundle. At first, it wouldn’t even launch. I had to download Windows Redistributable x86. I thought everything was finally taken care of until I started a new game and ran into this…
No, I do not the UI display set to dark mode, but this is what happens anytime I bring my mouse up to the top menu in the game. I have the debug notes below. Hoping someone can help!
[2:56:10:594]- ----DEBUG FILE----
[2:56:10:594]- Windows 7 or later detected
[2:56:10:594]- Game version: 1.66
[2:56:10:594]- setlocale was a success. Current locale is [C] should be C
[2:56:10:594]- Loading app options
[2:56:10:594]- app options loaded
GetLogicalProcessorInformation results:
[2:56:10:594]- Number of NUMA nodes: 1
[2:56:10:594]- Number of physical processor packages: 1
[2:56:10:594]- Number of processor cores: 16
[2:56:10:594]- Number of logical processors: 22
[2:56:10:594]- Number of processor L1/L2/L3 caches: 32/9/1
[2:56:10:594]- Setting Color palette
[2:56:10:594]- Updating BG shader
[2:56:10:594]- BG shader updated
[2:56:10:594]- Saving options
[2:56:10:594]- Options saved
[2:56:10:594]- Color palette set
[2:56:10:594]- Saving options
[2:56:10:594]- Options saved
[2:56:10:594]- Desktop resolution is 1920 x 1200
[2:56:10:594]- Loaded Config: 1920x1200@0 scale1.25 [fullscreen]
[2:56:10:594]- Failed to open file: C:\Users\Addison\Documents/My Games/democracy4/mod_status.ini : 2
[2:56:10:594]- GBufferedFile failed to open file [C:\Users\Addison\Documents/My Games/democracy4/mod_status.ini]
[2:56:10:594]- Checking for DLC [countrypack]…
[2:56:10:594]- Checking for DLC [eventpack]…
[2:56:10:594]- Checking for DLC [votingsystems]…
[2:56:10:737]- Setting Color palette
[2:56:10:737]- Updating BG shader
[2:56:10:737]- BG shader updated
[2:56:10:737]- Saving options
[2:56:10:737]- Options saved
[2:56:10:737]- Color palette set
[2:56:10:737]- GEngine::Init Engine mode: 1920x1200
[2:56:10:737]- SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays returned 1
[2:56:10:737]- GEngine::Desktop mode: 1920x1200
[2:56:10:737]- Matching desktop res
[2:56:10:737]- Calling SDL_CreateWindow: 1920x1200@0 [fullscreen]
[2:56:11:114]- Initialising 3D Engine
[2:56:11:213]- OpenGL Vendor : Intel
[2:56:11:213]- OpenGL Renderer: Intel(R) Arc™ Graphics
[2:56:11:213]- OpenGL Version : 4.6.0 - Build
[2:56:11:213]- Initialising global vertex buffer
[2:56:11:355]- Failed to open file: C:\Users\Addison\Documents/My Games/democracy4/stats.ini : 2
[2:56:11:355]- GBufferedFile failed to open file [C:\Users\Addison\Documents/My Games/democracy4/stats.ini]
[2:56:11:357]- Initialisizng Vector Engine
[2:56:11:482]- Setting vector Engine Dimensions
[2:56:11:497]- VE Clearing existing textures to replace with new [1920]x[1200]
[2:56:11:497]- Initializing Text
[2:56:11:497]- Creating font config
[2:56:11:497]- font config created
[2:56:11:497]- adding font directory
[2:56:11:581]- font map created
[2:56:11:581]- creating pango layout
[2:56:11:581]- pango layout created
[2:56:11:581]- PANGO context font map font families:
[2:56:11:581]- Noto Sans
[2:56:11:581]- Sans
[2:56:11:581]- Serif
[2:56:11:581]- Monospace
[2:56:11:581]- Attempting to initialise steam
[2:56:11:581]- Steam initialisation failed
[2:56:11:581]- Initializing Input
[2:56:11:581]- Initializing sound
[2:56:11:581]- Initialising Sound Engine
[2:56:11:581]- Resetting Sound volumes to maximum
[2:56:11:581]- Loading in volume presets
[2:56:11:581]- Creating IrrKlang Device
[2:56:11:581]- Sound Engine loaded as
[2:56:11:654]- ESOD_AUTO_DETECT worked ok
[2:56:11:654]- Finished Initialising Sound Engine
[2:56:11:658]- Setting game mode to splashscreen
[2:56:11:658]- Resizing new game mode
[2:56:11:658]- Activating new game mode
[2:56:11:658]- Forcing music mode
[2:56:11:995]- Music mode forced
[2:56:11:995]- Game mode activated
[2:56:12:359]- Exiting splashscreen
[2:56:12:439]- Deactivating old game mode
[2:56:12:439]- Resizing new game mode
[2:56:12:439]- Activating new game mode
[2:56:12:439]- Game mode activated
[2:56:15:362]- Deactivating old game mode
[2:56:15:362]- Resizing new game mode
[2:56:15:362]- Activating new game mode
[2:56:15:362]- Game mode activated
[2:56:15:362]- Starting thread:[0][New Game]
[2:56:15:362]- New Game thread created OK
[2:56:15:362]- Starting new game…
[2:56:15:362]- SIM_GetSimulation()->Initialise()…
[2:56:15:362]- Debug: closing attack manager
[2:56:15:362]- Debug: attack manager closed
[2:56:15:378]- SIM_GetSimValueManager()->Initialise()…
[2:56:15:378]- SIM_GetVoterManager()->Initialise()…
[2:56:15:463]- SIM_GetPressureGroups()->Open()…
[2:56:15:463]- Debug: closing attack manager
[2:56:15:463]- Debug: attack manager closed
[2:56:15:463]- Debug: opening attack manager
[2:56:15:463]- Debug: closing attack manager
[2:56:15:463]- Debug: attack manager closed
[2:56:15:463]- SIM_Attacks loaded
[2:56:15:463]- Debug: attack manager opened
[2:56:15:463]- SIM_GetDilemmaManager()->Initialise()…
[2:56:15:478]- SIM_GetEventManager()->Initialise()…
[2:56:15:494]- SIM_GetPolicyGroupManager()->Initialise()…
[2:56:15:494]- Initialise Scenemnager
[2:56:15:494]- Initialised Scenemanager
[2:56:15:499]- SIM_GetPolicyManager()->Initialise()…
[2:56:15:529]- Failed to find Neuron: [minimumvotingage]:D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\sim\SIM_Neuron.cpp 485
[2:56:15:529]- Unable to find setting: minimumvotingage:D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\sim\SIM_Mission.cpp 281
[2:56:15:529]- Failed to find Neuron: [electionads]:D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\sim\SIM_Neuron.cpp 485
[2:56:15:529]- Unable to find setting: electionads:D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\sim\SIM_Mission.cpp 281
[2:56:15:529]- Failed to find Neuron: [partydonations]:D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\sim\SIM_Neuron.cpp 485
[2:56:15:529]- Unable to find setting: partydonations:D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\sim\SIM_Mission.cpp 281
[2:56:15:529]- Failed to find Neuron: [robocalls]:D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\sim\SIM_Neuron.cpp 485
[2:56:15:529]- Unable to find setting: robocalls:D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\sim\SIM_Mission.cpp 281
[2:56:15:529]- Failed to find Neuron: [voterid]:D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\sim\SIM_Neuron.cpp 485
[2:56:15:529]- Unable to find setting: voterid:D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\sim\SIM_Mission.cpp 281
[2:56:15:538]- Ministers Initialise…
[2:56:15:538]- PreCalcCoreSimulation…
[2:56:15:538]- Starting PreCalcCoreSimulation…
[2:56:15:962]- Waiting for render thread [D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\engine\TextEngineUTF8.cpp,2127]]
[2:56:16:19]- Waiting for render thread [D:\programming\democracy 4\builds\Democracy4\src_all_operating_systems\engine\TextEngineUTF8.cpp,2127]]
PreCalcCoreSimulation time: 0.63 seconds
[2:56:16:169]- Calculating voter values
[2:56:16:189]- Calculating effects
[2:56:16:223]- InitialiseDebt…
[2:56:16:223]- Finance Manager Next Turn…
[2:56:16:223]- SIM_GetVoterManager()->BackprojectHistory()…
[2:56:16:259]- Precaching
[2:56:16:271]- SIM_Gameplay::MultithreadNewGame() complete
[2:56:16:278]- Thread finish detected by loading screen
[2:56:16:278]- Ending thread: [0][New Game]
[2:56:16:278]- Preparing new game GUI
[2:56:16:278]- Deactivating old game mode
[2:56:16:278]- Resizing new game mode
[2:56:16:278]- Activating new game mode
[2:56:16:278]- Game mode activated
[2:56:16:278]- Rebuilding GUI
[2:56:16:283]- Creating Start Dialog
[2:56:16:421]- Updating Rich Prescence
[2:56:16:421]- Setting loading screen ready
[2:56:19:279]- Forcing music mode
[2:56:19:284]- Music mode forced
[2:56:42:49]- Failed to open file: votingsystems/data/simulation/campaign_focus_effects.txt : 2
[2:56:42:49]- GBufferedFile failed to open file [votingsystems/data/simulation/campaign_focus_effects.txt]
[2:57:37:318]- Deactivating old game mode
[2:57:37:318]- Resizing new game mode
[2:57:37:318]- Activating new game mode
[2:57:37:318]- Forcing music mode
[2:57:37:318]- Music mode forced
[2:57:37:318]- Game mode activated
[2:57:37:318]- Debug: closing attack manager
[2:57:37:318]- Debug: attack manager closed
[2:57:38:654]- Releasing Resources
[2:57:38:654]- Starting thread:[1][Post Session]
[2:57:38:654]- Start of SIM_Internet::OpenLink
[2:57:38:654]- Post Session thread created OK
[2:57:38:654]- releasing GEngine
[2:57:38:659]- End of SIM_Internet::OpenLink
[2:57:38:659]- democracy4/server/post_session.php?&ver=1.66&duration=1.45&palette=Light&width=1920&height=1200&ave_fps=2009.85&worst_fps=55.00
[2:57:38:659]- SIM_Internet::DownloadFile(C:\Users\Addison\Documents/My Games/democracy4/webdebug/tmp785.html)
[2:57:38:802]- GEngine Released
[2:57:38:929]- SIM_Internet::DownloadFile ends
[2:57:38:929]- Start of SIM_Internet::CloseLink
[2:57:38:929]- End of SIM_Internet::CloseLink
[2:57:38:929]- Ending thread: [1][Post Session]
[2:57:38:958]- Thread manager Closed
[2:57:38:974]- Start of SIM_Internet::CloseLink
[2:57:38:974]- End of SIM_Internet::CloseLink
Releasing Icon Manager