High vertical integration mods

I created some Make XXX mods for my own game and though to share them here. They allow me to have more shared features for different price categories and still make a profit. The mods are:

  • MakeAerial - Manufacture aerials
  • MakeAirSuspension - Manufacture air suspension bags
  • MakeCamera - Manufacture cameras
  • MakeClimateControl - Manufacture climate control units
  • MakeHeater - Manufacture heaters
  • MakeSatNav - Manufacture satnavs
  • MakeSpeaker - Manufacture speakers
  • MakeTouchscreen - Manufacture touchscreens (normal and large ones)

They are available at a GitHub repository and are Apache 2 licensed.

If you are interested, just download the ZIP and copy the folder for the mod you want to use from the ZIP to C:\Users\[your username]\Documents\My Games\productionline\mods\.

All mods try to replicate the 60% to 40% cost savings that any build-in Make XXX has, so hopefully they aren’t overpowered.