How do I get rid of the banner ad?

I paid good money for this game, and then I paid more money in order to be able to play it as new modules were added and every multi-player scenario got locked out by them. I don’t want advertising on the main menu of a video game I PAID MONEY FOR. It’s in bad taste! I remember a while back I had found a setting for this but now it’s gone. ADD IT TO THE UI. This is no way to treat people who pay in.

E: I specifically remember an ini setting for this. If it has been removed that is asinine. I don’t want advertisements on the main menus of my games for other, unrelated games that I am not interested it. That’s what STEAM is for. I am already aware of the other game.

banner-add???, never seen one of those in game

I know for a fact there was a setting to disable it. I’ve seen it, I know about it, why should it be there all the time? I don’t want the other game in my face while I am playing the one I own. It’s stupid.

I am the programmer. There is no ini setting for it, I know this for a fact. I’m sorry it annoys you, but it is simple branding, We don’t stick ‘positech games’ on there, we do that instead, and I can’t see it’s really different from every pair of nike trainers having a nike logo on them, or every ford car having ford written on them.
It’s on the main menu, unless you spend a lot of time there, I can’t see it can be really that offensive.

You mean the Gratuitous Tank Battles game? I barely even notice that half of the time. It’s a very small banner and out of the way of any menu selection. Personally don’t see how it could be so bothersome.

I would like, however, if the DLC links on the bottom right side would have a big “Owned” logo over them if you bought them instead of STILL redirecting you to the DLC’s page. I own all of the DLCs, so it’s kind of useless to continue showing them off there LOL

same here both points

Also Cliff I got it from you in a message once but a link to latest patch would be helpful on the game interface.

I’ve never seen any of these banner ads or DLC icons.