iPad comments and bug

Been playing the iPad version and I had a few comments as well as one issue

I seem to get the Tutorial dialogs popping up in games. I have played the tutorial but the dialogs from it show up even in the second scenario. In fact I once had to start a scenario prior to finishing my setup because the tutorial dialog came up telling me to click “Fight”.

I understand that the developers want to avoid having a split codebase for the iPad version but there are some points where the UI for the iPad versions suffers and can use some tweaking

  1. The ship filter in the deployment window needs to return. Perhaps make it a dropdown menu? Some means of filtering is going to be necessary though I think
  2. It is a PITA to edit ships in the deployment view. Might I suggest dragging the ship icon to the Build button as a way to edit it?
  3. The ship detail view in the combat screen doesn’t display the ship name. Since that is displayed on a rollover in the Mac/PC game it isn’t visible for iPad users.