Luddite Riots

I think this event is not triggering correctly. I am several terms into the game, and as you can see in the screen shot, this event was not present until last turn. I implemented a very timid amount of Robotics Research Grants last turn, and instantly I’m going to have these rioters. I then canceled the policy and the situation immediately crashed back to zero.

It seemed odd that in a society with zero crime and high policing, the police were suddenly overwhelmed. Perhaps since it had been more than a decade since there had been any crime a scene happened like in Demolition Man where the police don’t know what to do about a criminal :slight_smile:


Technically Robotics Research Grants is requirement for this situation


Yes, I managed to get about a 90% automation value without Robotics Research Grants and have absolutely no issue with the riots. Like the train, healthcare, and school strikes, the problem is incapable of happening without the associated policy being in play, making Robotics Research Grants more trouble than it’s worth in almost all circumstances.


If robotics research grants was not a requirement, then this red button would eventually become impossible to remove. Automation will eventually be 100% if you play long enough (the year variable), even maxed automation tax will only delay the inevitable.


It could be possible to not have this be unsolvable, it would depend on how strong an input automation had to it.

People are blaming technology for taking their jobs. They would not do this if they had steady jobs. I would say that unemployment should be the main driver of this event rather than technology, and that technology is the scape goat, not the real problem.


That makes devastating amounts of sense. It does feed back into the weird unemployment crisis the current build features though, and so would be tricky to dispel without a labour rebalance.


I fully agree, unemployment is unbalanced. It would be much closer ti balance if the outputs of immigration were revisited, which would be warranted now that illegal immigration has be separated.


You need the anti-demonstration policies to fight riots - rubber bullets, tear gas and water tanks? - that helps againgst other demonstrations too.

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Yeah, Unabomber stans are allergic to water cannons :laughing:

Implement it, then after Luddite riots disappear, set it to minimum.

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Interesting discussion. Yes, I suspect the luddite riots situation is suffering from the ‘we never re-evaluated its inputs properly’ syndrome…
And yes…very good point, that unemployment should be an input but also… maybe poverty, as frankly if you had mega-high universal basic income funded somehow…then who cares about technology taking your job right?


Agree on poverty, perhaps even low rating low earnings? Basically, people who are suffering look for someone or something to blame. That’s what I see these riots being mainly about.

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As in wages? I guess you are more likely to riot if technology &lost you your job, than you just having a low wage. Low wages could be blamed on many things, like immigration etc, but showing up for work to see them installing the robot that replaces you is probably more of a trigger :smiley:


I was specifically referring to the “low earnings” bubble, but I think I like wages better.

Actually taking a look at the data, it already has inputs from Unemployment and wages. Full list:

  • Unemployment
  • Wages
  • Trade Union membership
  • Industrial Automation
  • Technology

and is mitigated by

  • Education &
  • Police Force.

I think the big problem was that the industrial automation input was too strong, I’ve skewed it to be on a curve so it doesn’t kick in so quickly. I’ll also make tear gas and water cannon and rubber bullets suppress it, like they do for other riots.

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As long as it’s manageable by meeting the theoretical strike demands (acceptable wages, reasonable employment rates, and/or an equitable and unconditional standard of living (as one might enjoy with universal income & high human development)), we’re golden, baby.

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In fact, before normalization of unemployment you could max industrial autonomation and max robotic research grants and not get luddite riots as long as wages were high and unemployment didn’t exist.

Are Luddite riots really a thing, or is this just a D4 thing? I don’t know of any Luddite Riots happening nowadays due to automation.

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Can we have more democratic ways of dealing with Luddite Riots besides Education Maximization?


They are allergic to rubber bullet, water cannons and tear gas lol


Ooof, I cut myself on the sweet, sweet, eeedddgggeee. :slight_smile:

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