[Mod/Bug] Slow bullets.

When I arm a fighter with a bullet weapon with a large fire interval and a slow travel speed, very often - for some reason - the fighters just cruise right on by and a few moments later all their bullets appear where they should’ve fired a few moments before.

Weapon being used is in the code box.

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
classname = “SIM_BulletWeaponModule”
category = “WEAPONS”
size = “FIGHTER”
name = “fighter maxon bomb”
guiname = “Fighter Maxon Bomb Bay”
description = “These Maxon Bomb bays will make short work of large enemy ships, but be sure they don’t hit the shields!”
fire_interval = 5000
min_range = 20
max_range = 400
optimum_range = 140
color = 0
weight = 15
damage = 20
width = 4
height = 6
speed = .8
hitpoints = 8
cost = 16
icon = turret
crew_required = 0
powerconsumed = 4
sound = data/sounds/interstellar_gun_04.ogg
soundvolume = 0.25
tracking_speed = .5
shield_penetration = 8
armour_penetration = 99
turretsize = 0
turret_sprite = “turret_bull_v1”
slot_type = TURRET

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = fuel,DECIMAL
11 = missilespeed,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL
13 = has_decoys,BOOL

What sort of frame-rate do you have when this happens? is it happening regardless of the speed of the game controls?

Frame rate seems to be usual - I don’t notice anything out of the ordinary.

Seems to be happening regardless of speed. And it seems proportional to the amount of fire interval. I wouldn’t say this bug is too high priority or anything, though!

Occasionally I catch a glimpse of a bullet stretched/warped between the ship and where it’s ‘firing’ from.