[MOD] Fighter camoflage and more

These are experimental items so may be over powerful or weak as they are currently untested/balanced

This is a fighter camoflage module,

unlockcost = 1750
lockable = 1
classname = “SIM_CamoflageShieldModule”
category = “DEFENSES”
size = “FIGHTER”
name = “fighter_camoflage”
guiname = “Advanced Fighter Camouflage”
description = “CLASSIFIED”
weight = 2
hitpoints = 4
cost = 22
icon = module_camoflage.dds
crew_required = 0
powerconsumed = 2
max_cloak_power = 70
cloak_rechargerate = 0.01
cloak_consumptionrate = 0.01
slot_type = STANDARD
uisortpos = 2195

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = crew_required,INTEGER
4 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL

this is a fighter dogfighting gun

armour_penetration = 6
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BulletWeaponModule”
color = 0
cost = 24
crew_required = 0
damage = 1
description = “CLASSIFIED”
fire_interval = 80
guiname = “Mini-Cannon”
height = 4
hitpoints = 6
icon = turret
lockable = 1
max_range = 250
min_range = 5
name = “fighter_laser II”
optimum_range = 180
powerconsumed = 5
shield_penetration = 6
size = “FIGHTER”
slot_type = TURRET
sound = data/sounds/interstellar_gun_04.ogg
soundvolume = 0.20
speed = 8
tracking_speed = 3.1
turret_sprite = “turret_bull_v2”
turretsize = 0
unlockcost = 1600
weight = 1.9
width = 1.55
uisortpos = 1000

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

This is a frigate megaton launcher

unlockcost = 1750
lockable = 1
armour_penetration = 34
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_MissileModule”
cost = 106
crew_required = 11
damage = 40
decoy_release_range = 167
description = “CLASSIFIED”
fire_interval = 1742
flareuvid = 0
fuel = 1474
guiname = “Frigate Megaton Launcher”
has_decoys = 1
has_flare = 1
hitpoints = 70
icon = turret
min_range = 201
max_range = 502
missilelength = 3.0
missilespeed = 0.12
missilewidth = 2.0
name = “frigate megatonmissile”
powerconsumed = 4
shield_penetration = 34
size = “FRIGATE”
sound = data/sounds/missile_launch.ogg
soundvolume = 1.0
tracking_speed = 0.6
trail_fade_time = 600
turnspeed = 0.6
turret_sprite = “turret_miss_v5”
turretsize = 12.0
warhead = EXPLOSIVE
weight = 97
slot_type = TURRET
uisortpos = 1135

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = min_range,DECIMAL
12 = has_decoys,BOOL
13 = missilespeed,DECIMAL[/code]

Frigate rocket launcher

unlockcost = 1600
lockable = 1
armour_penetration = 24
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_MissileModule”
cost = 63
crew_required = 6
damage = 15
decoy_release_range = 450
description = “CLASSIFIED”
fire_interval = 636
flareuvid = 0
fuel = 737
guiname = “Frigate Rocket Launcher”
has_decoys = 0
has_flare = 1
has_splines = 1
hitpoints = 95
icon = turret
min_range = 224
max_range = 810
missilelength = 4.0
missilespeed = 0.48
missilewidth = 2.0
name = “frigate rocket”
powerconsumed = 4
shield_penetration = 29
size = “FRIGATE”
sound = data/sounds/missile_launch.ogg
soundpriority = 0.25
soundvolume = 0.23
tracking_speed = 1.2
turnspeed = 0.96
turret_sprite = “turret_miss_v2”
turretsize = 11.0
warhead = EXPLOSIVE
weight = 81
slot_type = TURRET
uisortpos = 1160

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = min_range,DECIMAL
12 = has_decoys,BOOL
13 = missilespeed,DECIMAL

Fighter camouflage seems interesting…must try