Monopolies Situation's opposite: Distributed Economy

The Monopolies Situation previously discussed on the forum isn’t on the Trello right now, but if the devs wish to pursue it, perhaps it’s equal and opposite could be modelled too in a Distributed Economy situation, caused by Small Business Grants, Enterprise Scheme, Superstore & Diverted Profits taxes, small business ordered Competition Law, and all the other policies that empower the self employed and small businesses or bleed large corporations.

(Presuming the game’s corporation tax is progressive, and more lenient to small business, it would also contribute, but since it hurts the self employed in the current build, I think it’s flat?)

This isn’t really socialism, but it is an economy where more people possess ownership over production in a far higher competition environment, making for lower barriers to entry of the economy and a more equal market, which of course gives way to the renaissance of Worker Cooperatives, which are still on the Trello.