My suggestions for a possible Democracy 2

I think Democracy 2 needs to be flexible rather than fixed, example: Eliminate car usage by raising the taxes and boosting public transport = not neccessarily true.

The effects on people with your policies are too for lack of better word, restrictive, it needs to be modified to be more flexible for the situations.

Dilemmas need to be spread out and there needs to be over several hundred rather than the limited amounts avaiable at the moment. This is a difficult task for one person, but getting the community to help out with ideas and suggestions is a good way to getting a better game, a minimum of 5-6 dilemmas need to be unique to the country at hand “Royal scandal” for example is a brilliant one for the U.K.
In terms of a “New country” scenario that I believe was brought up way back when, “unique” dilemmas could be the borrowed by selecting your governance and history in the “options” before setting up such a country, for example, stating that your country is run by Prime Minister with a Monarch would enable you to borrow the UK’s dilemmas as well as all the standard ones.

Policies also need an overhaul, more policies for each section, a minimum of 20-50 policies in each section of the government would allow for a more complex immersive game. The easy way out is to cut down on blanket-policies by breaking them down into several mini policies, but the better option would be to brainstorm and think outside of the box when it comes to each “department”.

If a “party cabinet” is to be added, choosing members a la Hidden Agenda or a la Kudoes Rock Star is also a decent idea. Members should have a loyalty rating and personality traits “backstabber”, “Charismatic”, “Industrious”, “Patriotic”, “liberalist” et al that influence how they are in enforcing your policies and suggesting them, for example a Minister of Foreign Affairs who was Patriotic would fight tooth and nail to ensure that the country got the better end of the deal while an “appeasive” minister would probably be welcomed more by foreign powers but would get your country in a worst state. Industrious ministers could perhaps cut the time a policy takes to get enforced by 25-50%, while Charismatic ones could get out of any scandal and/or increase the votes coming your way. A “Financial” minster would ensure his department runs at or near profitability not by cutting corners but by actually making sure that none of the money goes to waste.

Foreign Affairs is an area of the game that could be expanded on dramatically, it would of course be difficult to incorporate every single country in the game, so by doing a representive area the affairs could be dealt with neatly. For example a “European bloc” headed by France and Germany, an “North America” bloc influenced by the United States and a “British bloc” covered by the UK (I suggest this as I think personally the UK has bugger all to do with Europe). Your foreign minister could improve or destabilise relations, policies of free trade, alliances, cold war or even just a “pressure” option to pressure countries into changing their way of rule (i.e. The Government of Britain is putting pressure on this country to improve their human rights etc etc)

War is a viable option that would require a set of rules to determine it, and the U.N would have to be incorporated some how, I’d like to see an influence rating allowing countries to become more powerful or less powerful over time depending on their actions and relations in foreign affairs or militarily.

Obviously, I understand that all those ideas and suggestions are incredibly difficult for a one man job, but to be brutally honest I’d rather Democracy 2 attempted to do a jump from it’s simplicy to become a large true game in it’s own right, I do fear that Democracy 2 will just be a slightly updated polished version of the original with one or two new features, it would be more interesting I think if the game was rewritten from the ground up with a much larger database, policies, dilemmas, countries/create country mode, in-depth foriegn affairs, in-depth economic affairs and ministers/cabinet members, with the option to continue for election even after being voted out and a lot less of the “you pissed us off so we’re going to bomb you” which, I really don’t see as a viable occurance -_-;;

A big project? Sure, bit too big? Possibly, but I’d sure as damn well pay for that and I mean no disrepect when I say Democracy is too restrictive and standard, it’s a good game but the potential for the second one to be a gem in it’s own right is there and I’d really really like to see Cliff pull it off =)


If you do add ministers, please give them names, features, and a bit of background (which might provide clues to behavior). The one problem I have with a lot of sim games is that they’re too impersonal. You buy, sell, expand, etc, but it all feels like a well-oiled engine. The success of the SimCity series, IMO, was in part due to Wright’s understanding that people wanted to play with livng toys. They wanted to feel like they were affecting independent entities, though we all know that’s nonsense. Too many games throw the mechanics directly into our faces. Just a thought. :slight_smile:


so far each minister has a name, and will have a portrait, and different capabilities, loyalty etc. But some background Bio would be nice. Struggling with save game nonsense at the moment.

What sort of savegame problems, if you don’t mind me asking?

Nothing dramatic. If you look at democracys save files they are basically ini files, whereas Kudos and KRL used XML. XML is just better and more flexible, so I’m switching over to using that instead. It’s about 2 days work basically.

For Democracy 2 or even extensive modding to Democracy 1, I think for UK they should involve the monarchy more.

Democracy 2 isn’t going to have you play existing nations like the UK, it’s going to feel more nationstatesy (

This is a great game.

I have had 100% in 4 consecutive elections. I’m not sure if that’s a fluke.

What I would say is in Democracy you can be very aggressive with some of the changes you make. I always come straight in and throw money at things and don’t get in too much trouble, as the GDP usually grows rapidly with technology grants, certain subsidies, the rise of tourism etc. Basically what I’m saying is it could be a little more difficult.

Also, rather than just a bar for GDP you could make the economic model more complicated, and expand the way the world market works a bit. Have more detailed information on currency market and resources markets, see how your country’s economy is comprised (manufacturing, technology, services etc) and lots of other things like that. Basically (if you have time) you could make the game alot deeper.

Immigration would a nice problem to have too. You could control numbers into the country, and face trouble from right wingers/patriots but have economic benefits. You might have higher crime if you do it too fast depending on the country because of integration problems or basically very provincialist opinions in the country. Also other very contemporary issues (in the U.K.) like anti social behaviour, house prices and in particular specific cases of foreign policy would be great. I have no idea about programming, but a more sophisticated economic system would make the game even better, quite hard to do though I’d imagine.

Keep up the good work.


Alex - try raising the difficulty settings?

a lot of these ideas are already in the next version :smiley:

Yeah I have the difficulty high anyway. Obviously this makes it more difficult to come in and totally change the regime quickly.

Glad to hear that there’ll be some more stuff in the new one. The original game is fantastic, I’d never played anything like it before. Really looking forward to the new one, like I say I have no idea really about programming or game design, but I hope it becomes as big as Sim City!

Anyone remember Balance of Power on the Amiga?

I haven’t read previous suggestions but my request is simple to implement and critical to improving this game IMO. Instead of just having a sandbox type game where the only mission is to get re-elected provide a system that gives specific missions. Start someone off in the US depression or Germany post WWI where economies are terrible and have them rebuild. Or how about play Russia as they converted to Democracy. To throw in something else that would be interesting how about play the US during the Cold War with Russia and keep the US economy strong while maintaining strong Foreign Aid and Military to keep the Russian’s at bay. There are all sorts of missions that could be put into place and a lot of other features that could be added on a per mission basis that would make the game more interesting in the long run.

interesting ideas, cheers.

Just to add another scenario that would interest me, how about a future where global warming is really kicking up and you not only need to create a Green economy, but a super green! Powerplants are being pushed to the brink due to overuse of air conditioners and health is a major issue. This would be a catastrophe to any government. It would be interesting to see if a democracy can even be maintained with this many problems hanging in the air.

I would really like it if the game up the count of non-Western democracies. I guess I’ll run down a few that I feel should be essential

  1. India
    Reason: World’s largest democracy, one of world’s newly industrialized countries and contains interesting party dynamics (BJP, Congress, and Communists and others).

  2. Taiwan
    Reason: Young Democracy (first time presidential change of gov’t occurred in 2000), extremely active electorate, faces active influence from China, and of course Independence Issue

  3. Turkey
    Reason: Extremely patriotic (can’t insult Turkishness), Lively party competition between Seculars and Islamists, essential member of NATO, and potential member of EU

  4. South Africa
    Reason: Powerful regional actor, formidable economy, high unemployment, handling many issues like AIDs and Black African Economic Empowerment

Honorable mentions : Brazil, Mexico, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Nigeria, Liberia, Philippines, and Malaysia.

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The suggestions you have given here for Democracy are really amazing and these suggestions are very useful. I read your Democracy suggestions and i like this very much because its truly and perfect information. You have share very useful suggestions for Democracy.