Navy job not working.

Hi my navy job isnt workin.

name = army1
guiname = Private
maledesc = Bottom of Army Life - Private
femaledesc = Bottom of Army Life - Private
employer = Italian Army
workplace = camp
industry = other…
minsalary = 21,250
maxsalary = 25,000
tips =
locked = 0
rarity = 0.71
sociability = 0.8
socialkudos = 0.2
promote0 = muscle,
promote1 = italian
promote3 = muscle
commutedistance = 1.2
duration = -1

0 = muscle, 0.50
1 = italian

0 = fitness,0.7
1 = tiredness, 0.1_TIRED_DEGRADE
2 = muscle, 0.6

Change industry = other to industry = crapjobs.
Get rid of the commas in the amounts for minsalary and maxsalary.
Remove the comma from the end of promote0 = muscle and change promote3 to promote2.

Thanx, is there any more army jobs or is it just that one?

In your [prereqs] enter a value for italian.
I see you have it as a promote so don’t set it too high.

Your [effects] needs 2 values.

Make sure you remove the commas from the end of industry = crapjobs

In strings.ini, enter nv_italian = “Italian”

Wouldn’t it be better to call it an army job ??