New car design research not starting

Hi folks,

I am very sorry if this topic already exists but I haven’t seen any of it.

Problem is, after the Sedan in the beginning of the game I successfully researched some things without any problem. Now I want to start research for a new car design (SUV) and the button is NOT greyed out so I can obvisiously start it, but as I resume at normal game speed the RnD symbol highlights red and they don’t work at all. I found no prerequisites for the design research, so what’s wrong?

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

thank you

Car designs require Design Studios, not research offices. Its a different facility you place that generates points to research new car designs! The design studio itself will need to be researched using the normal method.

Hi Cliff!

Thank you for your quick response, I am in high respect to you and your small team regarding the workload you have to deal with.

Indeed, your advice did the thing.

Thus, I once again thank you, but also I want to give my personal opinion then in two bullet points:

  • Mark the third research tab (Car Design) as greyed out or unavailable. Add an info icon or mouseover text which tells what to do.
  • or: leave the tab as is, but grey Out (disable) the button of the research start, like you do in the other research tree when missing prerequisites.

Cheers from dev to dev and tell me If I can work for you as a free agent, preferably when it comes to logics/design paired topics, that’s my strength.

Please fix this unfixable bug that can only be solved by a game update Cannot Create mod Error Even after filling name and description (Important Bug)