New Modules!

A lot of my custom modules are just variations of other people’s work so I don’t really feel right posting them. These however, were inspired by just me and Gratuitous Space Battles:

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
armour_penetration = 60
blasttexture = “”
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_KineticWeapon”
cost = 150
crew_required = 15
damage = 5
description = “Bullets may be old-fashioned but they sure aren’t obselete. These cannons have good tracking and penetration and a RIDICULOUS rate of fire. Unfortunately, they are very short-ranged.”
fire_interval = 150
guiname = “Automatic Cannon”
hitpoints = 100
icon = turret
min_range = 150
max_range = 500
name = “cruiser_autocannon_II”
optimum_range = 400
powerconsumed = 15.0
shield_penetration = 60
size = “CRUISER”
sound = “tribe/data/sounds/cruiser_autocannon.ogg”
soundvolume = 0.5
speed = 100
tracking_speed = 1.5
turret_sprite = “turret_auto_v3”
turretsize = 18.0
weight = 150
slot_type = TURRET

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
classname = “SIM_ArmourModule”
category = “DEFENSES”
size = “CRUISER”
name = “cruiser_heavy_armour”
guiname = “Cruiser Heavy Armour”
description = “This armor is so thick it would take enemy fighters years to punch through it. A complete exaggeration of course, but it helps sales.”
weight = 500
hitpoints = 0
maxdamageabsorbable = 500
cost = 1000
icon =
crew_required = 0
powerconsumed = 0
slot_type = STANDARD
stack_effectiveness = 0.5

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = maxdamageabsorbable,DECIMAL

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
category = “DEFENSES”
classname = “SIM_ShieldModule”
cost = 450
crew_required = 45
description = “The next generation in defence technology, these shields expand upon multiphase technology while retaining the high resistance typically associated with cruiser shielding.”
guiname = “Cruiser Heavy Shields”
hitpoints = 100
icon =
name = “cruiser_heavy_shield”
powerconsumed = 45.0
recharge_rate = 0.025
resistance = 30
shieldpoints = 500
size = “CRUISER”
slot_type = STANDARD
stack_effectiveness = 0.5
weight = 450

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = shieldpoints,DECIMAL
5 = crew_required,INTEGER
6 = resistance,DECIMAL
7 = recharge_rate,DECIMAL_MULT,1000

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
classname = “SIM_RepairModule”
category = “OTHER”
size = “CRUISER”
name = “cruiser_repair_III”
guiname = “Ultimate Repair Module”
description = “Tired of watching your enemies’ weapons punch through your armour even when they’re not supposed to? Not anymore! This module will quickly repair any and all breaks in your armour.”
weight = 300
hitpoints = 100
cost = 300
icon =
crew_required = 30
peace_interval = 0
repair_rate = 0.25
powerconsumed = 30.0
slot_type = STANDARD
stack_effectiveness = 1.0
maxrepairsupplies = 10000

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = crew_required,INTEGER
5 = repair_rate,DECIMAL
6 = maxrepairsupplies,INTEGER

armour_penetration = 30
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BulletWeaponModule”
color = 2
cost = 20
crew_required = 0
damage = 10.0
description = “Finally, a bomber weapon that ACTUALLY WORKS! Never again will your bombers have to watch their shots bounce uselessly off cruiser shielding and armour!”
fire_interval = 1000
guiname = “Fighter Fusion Gun II”
height = 5.0
hitpoints = 5
icon = turret
lockable = 0
max_range = 500
min_range = 150
name = “fighter_fusion_gun_II”
optimum_range = 400
powerconsumed = 0
shield_penetration = 30
size = “FIGHTER”
slot_type = TURRET
sound = data/sounds/swarm_gun_08.ogg
soundvolume = 1.0
speed = 7.0
tracking_speed = 1.5
turret_sprite = “turret_bull_v4”
turretsize = 0
unlockcost = 0
weight = 10.0
width = 1.5

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

armour_penetration = 7
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BulletWeaponModule”
color = 3
cost = 20
crew_required = 0
damage = 4
description = “An upgraded version of the classic laser cannon, this gun can shoot down even the speediest fighters. Rocket fighters will trouble you no more.”
fire_interval = 300
guiname = “Fighter Laser II”
height = 4.5
hitpoints = 5
icon = turret
lockable = 0
max_range = 300
min_range = 30
name = “fighter_laser_II”
optimum_range = 150
powerconsumed = 0
shield_penetration = 7
size = “FIGHTER”
slot_type = TURRET
sound = “swarm/data/sounds/fighter_fusion_gun.ogg”
soundvolume = 1.0
speed = 8.0
tracking_speed = 10.0
turret_sprite = “turret_bull_v3”
turretsize = 0
unlockcost = 0
weight = 10.0
width = 1.5

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
armour_penetration = 17
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_MissileModule”
cost = 130
crew_required = 13
damage = 20
description = “These new, more powerful missiles were developed to counter those pesky fighters packing shield generators.”
fire_interval = 1000
flareuvid = 0
fuel = 700
guiname = “Enhanced Anti-Fighter Missiles”
has_decoys = 0
has_flare = 1
hitpoints = 50
icon = turret
max_range = 600
min_range = 60
missilelength = 4.0
missilespeed = 1.00
missilewidth = 2.0
name = “frigate antifighter missile II”
powerconsumed = 13.0
shield_penetration = 7
size = “FRIGATE”
slot_type = TURRET
sound = data/sounds/missile_launch.ogg
soundvolume = 1.00
trail_fade_time = 250
tracking_speed = 10.0
turnspeed = 10.0
turret_sprite = “turret_miss_v2”
turretsize = 12.0
warhead = EXPLOSIVE
weight = 50

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = fuel,DECIMAL
11 = missilespeed,DECIMAL
12 = crew_required,INTEGER
13 = min_range,DECIMAL
14 = has_decoys,BOOL

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
classname = “SIM_ArmourModule”
category = “DEFENSES”
size = “FRIGATE”
name = “frigate_heavy_armour”
guiname = “Frigate Heavy Armour”
description = “With this uber-thick armor you will never again have to worry about exploding ships crippling your frigates’ weapons.”
weight = 50
hitpoints = 0
maxdamageabsorbable = 195
cost = 130
icon =
crew_required = 0
powerconsumed = 0
slot_type = STANDARD
stack_effectiveness = 0.5

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = maxdamageabsorbable,DECIMAL

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
classname = “SIM_ShieldModule”
category = “DEFENSES”
size = “FRIGATE”
name = “frigate heavy shield”
guiname = “Heavy Shields”
description = “Finally! A frigate shield that can withstand punishment. It still won’t stop most cruiser weapons, but it will last long enough for you to fight back.”
weight = 50
hitpoints = 50
recharge_rate = 0.0075
cost = 130
icon =
crew_required = 13
powerconsumed = 13.0
shieldpoints = 150
resistance = 15
slot_type = STANDARD
stack_effectiveness = 0.5

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = shieldpoints,DECIMAL
5 = crew_required,INTEGER
6 = resistance,DECIMAL
7 = recharge_rate,DECIMAL_MULT,1000

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
classname = “SIM_EngineModule”
category = “ENGINES”
size = “FRIGATE”
name = “frigate_super_engine”
guiname = “Supercharged Frigate Engine”
description = “For when you need to get your frigate moving after putting all those heavy new modules on it.”
weight = 50
hitpoints = 50
thrust = 100
cost = 130
icon =
crew_required = 13
powerconsumed = 13.0
slot_type = STANDARD

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = crew_required,INTEGER
5 = thrust,DECIMAL

With credit to darkstar’s amazing Uni-T mod, which gave me the inspiration for the following modules:

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
armour_penetration = 110
beam_duration = 1000
beamwidth = 6.0
blasttexture = “”
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BeamWeaponModule”
color = 255,16,16
cost = 150
crew_required = 15
damage = 60
description = “This beam was calibrated to have a narrow focus, allowing it to melt through the toughest armour with ease. Unfortunately, it is almost useless against shields.”
fire_interval = 3000
guiname = “Fusion Beam II”
hitpoints = 100
icon = turret
min_range = 300
max_range = 900
name = “cruiser_fusion_beam_II”
optimum_range = 800
powerconsumed = 15
shield_penetration = 10
size = “CRUISER”
sound = “data/sounds/cruiser_beamlaser.ogg”
soundvolume = 1.0
texture = “”
tracking_speed = 1.5
turret_sprite = “turret_las_v3”
turretsize = 18.0
weight = 150
slot_type = TURRET
has_grain = 0
grain = “”
restricted = “unit”
uisortpos = 100003

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
armour_penetration = 120
beam_duration = 1000
beamwidth = 10.0
blasttexture = “”
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BeamWeaponModule”
color = 255,16,16
cost = 450
crew_required = 45
damage = 120
description = “Recovered from the remains of a derelict reaper, this weapon will crush all those who dare stand against you. WARNING: low tracking speed renders it useless against fast frigates.”
fire_interval = 4000
guiname = “Mega Beam Laser”
hitpoints = 100
icon = turret
min_range = 400
max_range = 1200
name = “cruiser_mega_beamlaser_II”
optimum_range = 1100
powerconsumed = 45.0
shield_penetration = 120
size = “CRUISER”
sound = “swarm/data/sounds/disruptorbeam.ogg”
soundvolume = 1.0
texture = “”
tracking_speed = 0.6
turret_sprite = “mega_beam_v1”
turretsize = 22
weight = 450
slot_type = TURRET
restricted = “unit”
has_grain = 0
grain = “”
firedelay = 100
uisortpos = 100005

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
armour_penetration = 5
beam_duration = 1000
beamwidth = 8.0
blasttexture = “”
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BeamWeaponModule”
color = 255,16,16
cost = 150
crew_required = 15
damage = 60
description = “This beam was calibrated with a wide focus, allowing it to overload even the toughest shields. Unfortunately, it is almost useless against armour.”
fire_interval = 3000
guiname = “Positron Beam II”
hitpoints = 100
icon = turret
min_range = 300
max_range = 900
name = “cruiser_positron_beam_II”
optimum_range = 800
powerconsumed = 15
shield_penetration = 70
size = “CRUISER”
sound = “data/sounds/cruiser_pulselaser1000.ogg”
soundvolume = 1.0
texture = “”
tracking_speed = 1.5
turret_sprite = “turret_las_v4”
turretsize = 18.0
weight = 150
slot_type = TURRET
has_grain = 0
grain = “”
restricted = “unit”
uisortpos = 100002

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
category = “DEFENSES”
classname = “SIM_SmartBombModule”
cost = 300
crew_required = 30
description = “Due to the high prevelance of missile spam, scramblers are no longer an adequate defence. But fear not! This smart bomb will destroy any number of missiles in just a single pulse!”
guiname = “Enhanced Pulse Generator”
hitpoints = 100
icon =
max_range = 400
name = “cruiser_smartbomb_II”
powerconsumed = 30.0
size = “CRUISER”
slot_type = STANDARD
sound = “swarm/data/sounds/smartbomb.ogg”
soundvolume = 0.5
weight = 300
sb_trigger_percentage = 1.0
fire_interval = 1000
stack_effectiveness = 1.0

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = crew_required,INTEGER
5 = max_range,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = sb_trigger_percentage,DECIMAL

With credit to 123stw’s awesome Ancient vs. Microbe mod:

armour_penetration = 90
beam_duration = 1500
beamwidth = 6.0
blasttexture = “”
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BeamWeaponModule”
color = 255,16,16
cost = 150
crew_required = 15
damage = 60
description = “How do you make a beam weapon huge? Keep pumping energy into it. The sheer amount of output is enough to overwhelm any kind of shielding.”
fire_interval = 3500
grain = “”
guiname = “Beam Laser II”
has_grain = 1
hitpoints = 100
icon = turret
lockable = 0
max_range = 750
min_range = 250
name = “cruiser_beamlaser_II”
optimum_range = 650
powerconsumed = 15
shield_penetration = 30
size = “CRUISER”
slot_type = TURRET
sound = “data/sounds/cruiser_beamlaser.ogg”
soundvolume = 1.0
texture = “”
tracking_speed = 1.5
turret_sprite = “turret_las_v2”
turretsize = 18.0
unlockcost = 0
weight = 150
uisortpos = 100001

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

lockable = 0
unlockcost = 0
armour_penetration = 60
blasttexture = “”
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BulletWeaponModule”
cost = 100
crew_required = 10
damage = 10
description = “The shotgun in space, it will rip through shield and armor alike. Just don’t try to shoot moving targets with it.”
fire_interval = 5
salvo_size = 5
salvo_interval = 2000
color = 3
guiname = “Cruiser Shotugn”
hitpoints = 100
icon =
min_range = 150
max_range = 500
optimum_range = 400
name = “cruiser_shotgun”
powerconsumed = 10.0
shield_penetration = 60
size = “CRUISER”
sound = “data/sounds/cruiser_proton_beam1500.ogg”
soundvolume = 1.0
tracking_speed = 0.6
turret_sprite = “turret_bull_v6r”
turretsize = 18.0
weight = 100
slot_type = TURRET
height = 9.0
width = 3.0
speed = 10.0
uisortpos = 99999
restricted = “unit”

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = min_range,DECIMAL
12 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
13 = salvo_size,INTEGER
14 = salvo_interval,INTEGER

With credit to Eich’s very creative Scavenger mod:

category = “DEFENSES”
classname = “SIM_ShieldModule”
cost = 20
crew_required = 0
description = “What! Can it be? Our…our fighters can really survive more than one hit?! With this fancy new shield generator the answer is…YES!”
guiname = “Fighter Shield Generator”
hitpoints = 5
icon =
lockable = 0
name = “fighter_shield”
powerconsumed = 0
recharge_rate = 0.002
resistance = 0
shieldpoints = 19
size = “FIGHTER”
slot_type = STANDARD
stack_effectiveness = 0.5
unlockcost = 0
weight = 0

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = shieldpoints,DECIMAL
5 = crew_required,INTEGER
6 = resistance,DECIMAL
7 = recharge_rate,DECIMAL_MULT,1000

With credit to Eich’s powerful Legios mod:

beam_duration = 200
beam_texture = “”
beam_width = 2.0
category = “DEFENSES”
classname = “SIM_ECMBeamModule”
cost = 130
crew_required = 13
description = “This smaller version was manufactured on request of destroyer captains who witnessed their shields being constantly killed by missiles–enjoy!”
guiname = “Guidance Scrambler Beam”
hitpoints = 50
icon = turret
lockable = 0
max_range = 400
name = “frigate_guidance_scrambler”
powerconsumed = 13.0
size = “FRIGATE”
slot_type = TURRET
sound = data/sounds/ecmbeam.ogg
soundvolume = 0.5
tracking_speed = 5.0
turret_sprite = “tractor_turret_v2”
turretsize = 12.0
unlockcost = 0
weight = 50

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = crew_required,INTEGER

With credit to Lonestar’s sweet supercruisers mod:

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
classname = “SIM_ECMShieldModule”
category = “DEFENSES”
size = “CRUISER”
name = “cruiser_ecm_shield_II”
guiname = “Mega EMP Shield”
description = “Tired of emp missiles getting past your guidance scramblers? Of emp cannons getting lucky shots? Not anymore! With this gadget, your ship will NEVER be disabled by emp weapons again.”
weight = 150
hitpoints = 100
cost = 150
icon =
crew_required = 15
powerconsumed = 15.0
ecm_strength = 1000
slot_type = STANDARD
stack_effectiveness = 1.0

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = crew_required,INTEGER
5 = ecm_strength,DECIMAL

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
armour_penetration = 60
beam_duration = 500
beamwidth = 30.0
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_LightningGunModule”
color = 255,16,16
cost = 150
crew_required = 15
damage = 40
description = “Lighting guns have exellent range, power and accuracy! You can never…huh?..a catch? There is no catch! These are the best guns money…oh alright, alright…they fire a BIT slowly.”
fire_interval = 4500
guiname = “Lightning Gun II”
hitpoints = 100
icon = turret
min_range = 350
max_range = 1000
name = “cruiser_lightninggun_II”
optimum_range = 900
powerconsumed = 15
shield_penetration = 60
size = “CRUISER”
sound = “data/sounds/lightning1.ogg”
soundvolume = 2.0
texture = “”
tracking_speed = 1.5
turret_sprite = “turret_las_v5”
turretsize = 18.0
weight = 150
slot_type = TURRET
uisortpos = 100004

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
armour_penetration = 60
beam_duration = 1000
beamwidth = 10.0
blasttexture = “”
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BeamWeaponModule”
color = 255,16,16
cost = 130
crew_required = 13
damage = 30
description = “The HEAT (High Emission Aggressive Tunneling) is a repurposed commercial mining laser. Short-ranged, but brutally effective in the hands of a brave frigate captain.”
fire_interval = 1500
guiname = “Frigate HEAT Laser”
hitpoints = 50
icon = turret
max_range = 600
min_range = 200
name = “frigate_HEAT_laser”
optimum_range = 500
powerconsumed = 13.0
shield_penetration = 30
size = “FRIGATE”
slot_type = TURRET
sound = “data/sounds/frigate_beamlaser2_1000.ogg”
soundvolume = 1.0
texture = “”
tracking_speed = 1.5
turret_sprite = “turret_las_v2”
turretsize = 12.0
weight = 50
has_grain = 0
grain = “”
uisortpos = 100001

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

With credit to Archduke Astro’s magnificent modules of the same name:
(Mine are really similar, so you could think of them as extra advertising for the Archduke’s talent)

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
classname = “SIM_CrewModule”
category = “OTHER”
size = “FRIGATE”
name = “frigate crew III”
guiname = “Crew Module III”
description = “Extra large, extra tough, extra useful! This huge crew section will house the personnel your new modules need - in comfort as well as safety.”
weight = 50
cost = 130
hitpoints = 50
icon =
crew_required = 0
powerconsumed = 13.0
crewsupply = 130
slot_type = STANDARD

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = crewsupply,INTEGER
4 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
classname = “SIM_PowerModule”
category = “OTHER”
size = “FRIGATE”
name = “frigate power IV”
guiname = “Power Generator IV”
description = “The latest frigate modules won’t power themselves, you know. Introducing…the type IV power generator! Enough power to run all your new modules and more!”
weight = 50
hitpoints = 50
cost = 130
icon =
crew_required = 13
powerconsumed = 0
powerproduced = 52
slot_type = STANDARD

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerproduced,DECIMAL
4 = crew_required,INTEGER

armour_penetration = 60
beam_duration = 500
beamwidth = 5.0
blasttexture = “”
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BeamWeaponModule”
color = 255,16,16
cost = 130
crew_required = 13
damage = 30
description = “This gun makes any frigate into a deadly and efficient shooter even from well behind the battle line. Excels at long-range fire support. Note its long minimum range.”
fire_interval = 4500
grain = “”
guiname = “Frigate Sniping Laser”
has_grain = 1
hitpoints = 50
icon = turret
lockable = 0
max_range = 1200
min_range = 800
name = “frigate_sniping laser”
optimum_range = 1100
powerconsumed = 13.0
shield_penetration = 60
size = “FRIGATE”
slot_type = TURRET
sound = “data/sounds/cruiser_proton_beam1500.ogg”
soundvolume = 1.0
texture = “”
tracking_speed = 1.5
turret_sprite = “turret_las_v1”
turretsize = 12.0
unlockcost = 0
weight = 50
uisortpos = 100003

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

With credit to Kete’s awesome His Voice mod:

lockable = 0
unlockcost = 0
category = “DEFENSES”
classname = “SIM_ShieldModule”
cost = 450
crew_required = 45
description = ““My faith is my armour”-Archbishop Maxwell, moments before his ship was vapourised. Engineers were then encouraged to design a more tangible form of protection.”
guiname = “Cruiser Halo”
hitpoints = 100
icon =
name = “cruiser_shield_halo”
powerconsumed = 45
recharge_rate = 0.050
resistance = 15
shieldpoints = 500
size = “CRUISER”
slot_type = STANDARD
stack_effectiveness = 0.5
weight = 450

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = shieldpoints,DECIMAL
5 = crew_required,INTEGER
6 = resistance,DECIMAL
7 = recharge_rate,DECIMAL_MULT,1000

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
armour_penetration = 60
blasttexture = “”
category = “WEAPONS”
classname = “SIM_BulletWeaponModule”
color= 4
cost = 130
crew_required = 13
damage = 10
description = “This awesome new weapon uses high-energy blobs instead of bullets! Unfortunately, it takes a LONG time to charge up after each volley.”
fire_interval = 10
guiname = “Frigate Phasic Cannon”
salvo_size = 10
salvo_interval = 10000
height = 10
hitpoints = 50
icon =
max_range = 900
min_range = 300
name = “frigate_phasic_cannon”
optimum_range = 800
powerconsumed = 13.0
shield_penetration = 60
size = “FRIGATE”
slot_type = TURRET
sound = data/sounds/swarm_gun_08.ogg
soundvolume = 1.0
speed = 10
tracking_speed = 0.60
turret_sprite = “turret_bull_v1x”
turretsize = 12
weight = 50
width = 5
uisortpos = 100002
restricted = “unit”

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL
13 = salvo_size,INTEGER
14 = salvo_interval,INTEGER

sorry about the long post, hope you enjoy the modules though!

You might wanna check your Enhanced Anti-Fighter Missiles. If the missiles are designed to counter those pesky fighters packing shield generators, you might want to give whe weapon a shield_penetration higher than 0

However, this weapon will make short work of Uni-T drones (because I have set the resistance of all fighter shields to 0)

Woops, I forgot about that. Actually, I think I designed them after having serious difficulty taking out the original Uni-T drones (with shield resistance 10). I then discovered that, with a shield penetration of 10, they made equally good anti-frigate missiles. Since I didn’t want this to happen, I dropped their shield penetration back to 0. Anyway, I’ll raise it to 7.

Tru that. The original Drones were in serious need of a nerf with shields that had a resistance higher than all anti fighter weapons.
Thats why in the subsequent versions of the mod the shield resistance was set to zero :slight_smile:

The Augmented Defenses Mod also uses Fighter Shields that had a resistance to 0, since total immunity to fighter weapons and anti-fighter missiles didn’t make any sense. In the end, I decided that extra regenerating hitpoints was enough of a benefit, and allowed me to keep the power and weight reasonably low.

Normally i would say “great minds think alike”, but i didn’t want to drag you down to my level Cetiah Nova :slight_smile:

Heh. I doubt I deserve a compliment like that darkstar, but I’ll take it. :wink:

So we have:
Fighter speed - prevents a fighter from being hit
Fighter and anti-fighter weapons – counter speed to hit a fighter
Fighter shields (and maybe armor) – help to protect a fighter from fighter and anti-fighter weapons
… can we come up with a weapon that helps (primarly) vs shielded fighters or have we reached the top of our “counter-ladder”?

I’m suddenly reminded of my “there is no anti-shield weapon” argument in the Alternative Damage Model.

Hmm, the way I did it was like this: a fighter’s best defense is its speed, as it can dodge almost every weapon. But, it is often crippled by the first shot that hits. So, I slowed my fighters down to about 1.6 and gave them shields (19 strength, 0 resistance, 2 recharge). At this speed, they can be consistently hit by most anti-fighter weapons but can still dodge just about everything else. The shields have helped my fighters stick around a lot longer. Unfortunately, critical hits from beam lasers and other high-damage weapons will cut through the shields in one shot, kinda defeating the purpose.

Wait, do you guys like my modules? Do you want me to post (and give the proper credit for) my modules inspired by other people’s work?

No one likes my modules? Not even a little bit? :frowning:

(jk, you should try them though, if just to get me to stop asking)

You’ve got some REAL good modules here my friend, some of them remind me of the Union mod I’m working on, specifically the shields with lowered stack effectiveness…great minds DO think alike.

this is proof that, while my mod definately still needs a great deal of work in balancing it’s not beyond broken…some of these modules would give vanilla ships a LOT better chances against my stuff…though don’t get me wrong I"m TRYING to make them comparable to the stock gear of the game.

good stuff my friend…I encourage you to check out the latest post in the “unity vs union” thread to get just a little sneak preview of what my mod will hold in store

Haha, thank you! it’s good to hear :slight_smile: Hmm, I think I’ll post the rest of my modules, as soon as I’ve looked up which people’s mods I got the ideas from.

Yes, I’ve been following the Unity vs. Union mod a long time (since back when it only Uni-T) and I’d definitely say it’s my favorite mod.

Oh! I like your short stories, they really add to the meaning and depth of the game, though I’m quite sure how. I think it’s because they bring the game to a more personal level, one that we can relate to as individuals.

Anyway, I’m really glad you liked my modules :slight_smile:

i loke those modules, but [size=85]( Warning Noob Question Incoming! ) [/size] how i install them??
Detailed instructions please XD

Oh cool! Thanks :slight_smile:

I believe all you have to do is copy and paste the code into new text files. You can put the files in the modules folder for the main game, expansion packs or any mods you have.

Ok, the instructions are step-by-step just for the sake of completeness (I know you’re smart):

At the top of each of the text boxes is the line CODE: SELECT ALL.
Click SELECT ALL, then press ctrl and c.
Now, go to your desktop and open up Notepad. This will automatically bring up a new, blank file.
Click inside the file, then press ctrl and v. Check to make sure all the code copied correctly.
Now, click File, then Save As. If you bought the game directly from Positech, look in C:/Program Files for a folder called gratuitous space battles.
Double click on this folder, then double click on the folder labeled data, and then double click of the folder labeled modules.
Now, type what you would like to name the file in the File name: box and then click save.
If you bought the game through steam the process is the same you’ll just have to do a bit more searching.
Look in C:/Program Files for a folder called Steam, double click on this folder.
Now, double click on the folder labeled steamapps and then double click on the folder labeled common.
You should see a folder labeled gratuitous space battles in there somewhere.
The rest of the steps are the same as above.

Sorry if this seems insulting, I just wanted to make sure that it helped.

nono, everything is fine xD thx for the help. gw!

I updated/edited the original modules I posted, and I added the modules inspired by darkstar’s and Cen2050’s awesome Uni-T vs. Union mod. Hope you guys don’t mind! :slight_smile:
(I’ll take them down if you want me to though.)

Nope, dont mind at all :slight_smile:
I am happy that they gave you a starting point.

So I finally updated the main page to include ALL the extra modules I’ve made, as well as where I’ve gotten the inspiration for each.

Unfortunately, my first post is now absurdly long. I’m thinking about just uploading them in an attached folder.

Does anyone know the max limit for file size on the forum?



256k is the maximum file size . .
Past that you will have to use a file hosting program

how do you do the download if you got it of red marble games? detaled please and thanks.

how do you do the download if it was of red marble games. ive never done a download so a detalied instruction would be loved thanks.