Overview of AI Competition

This probably comes waaay to late, but I just discovered the game.

It would be really helpful to have a screen in game where you can check your competition. This seemed so obvious to me that I spend time looking for it (and there is still the chance that I’m just blind …).

The game seems to simulate the competition including their features. It would be great to get and overview of:

How many competitors are there? (The number is probably already simulated)
What are their names? (This would need a list or some RNG internally)
Which features do they have unlocked? (This should also be simulated right now)
What is their market share in total? And in certain model categories? (This might be simulated already, but maybe the market shares are just a random number)
A list of their models, the features and their pricing (this is probably not in the game right now).

The last point would just be the icing on the cake.

I have no idea if this game is still being worked on, but one can dream.