Patriot_Perc vs Patriot_freq and high_income vs Wealthy_inco

What is the difference between these lines of code:


How are they different?

and igh_income vs wealthy_income ???

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Also, is there a difference between high_income and wealthy_income?

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Patriot percentage?

Patriot Frequency would probably be the likelihood of someone becoming patriot? Or their membership percentage in the said group? But it would probably be best to ask Cliff instead.

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I don’t know, that’s a good question. Maybe wealthy income is the income of those who have lots of wealth, and high income is just the income of those who have a lot of income, but not necessarily a lot of wealth (which is possible, since you, or your family may not have been having a lot of wealth or income to begin with).

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I’d also would like a response to bring somebody from their grave. :wink:

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