Popular and Cool?

My character wants to be popular and cool? What if I don’t want him to be popular and cool? What if I want him to be a successful engineer with no social life? What if I want him to spend all day playing Kudos? (Wheels within wheels within wheels within…) What if I want him to be a wealthy, powerful man who is despised by the populace? Will these things be possible?


absolutely. I think I might change the webpage description, as Im going off the popularity idea bit. but there will still be points for achieving certain aims

That’s good news… I love making losers with no life in the sims :stuck_out_tongue: (myself)

The kudos thing is still in there, but its pretty arbitrary. You get kudos for making your friends happy, and for keping friends. If all your friends like baseball and getting drunk, you earn kudos for arrnaging drunken evenings at sports bars, for example.