Possible to get Mac version of GSB after Windows?

Hi, is it possible that I get the download link (and codes, if necessary) for the GSB Collectors Edition for the Mac? I originally bought GSB for Windows as I was playing on my workstation, but sometimes I want to play on my laptop but it only runs Mac OS X.

Please let me know who I need to contact and what to include in order to do this.

If you got it via steam we’re STILL waiting for them to release it…
if you got it direct talk to Cliffski and/or Red Marble Games, the distributor for the mac port.

I’ve been waiting several weeks for STEAM to post anything regarding GSB’s OS X release, but no news :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello, I bought it direct I believe. I will send a PM to Cliffski. Should I also send an email to support@positech.co.uk?

I think just the positech.co.uk email address.
If this works i may end up asking if i can prove my ownership via steam, if i can just get the direct for OS X and bypass team altogether!