Production Panel UX

Hi Cliff,

I like very much the games, but i want to add a suggestion for the panel UX for when thing getting complex. Too much layer to click, and sometime when there lot of part the display panel expand, it hard to click on the Configure Imports button, unless u pause the game all the time.

I made a design to see what you think about it.

Thanks, Keep the great work…

Here a screen shot of when a wing mirror is all there and you go click configure imports it show all of them, but problem when running out of stock or not needed it disappear and need to wait for it… that why i’m hopping of suggesting a simple clean way of solving this…

Hi this is really interesting… I shall give this some thought. Sometimes the upgrades tab has a bunch of stuff in itt, so sticking it under there wouldnt make sense, but maybe a ‘locked’ (until researched) 3rd tab would… hmmmm.

I’ve worked on this today, by putting in a new tab. here is the disabled tab, and the new GUI: