Redshirt Beta v0.4 released!

Redshirt Beta v0.4 was released earlier today! Existing testers, you can use the original download link in your email to re-download and re-install the game.

Just in case you haven’t yet preordered, now is a great time to jump in! Why not go to to get your playable beta of the game?

Here is the changelist:

Redshirt v0.4 Changelist

  • FIXED: Bug with evaluating completed job requirements where a ‘top interest’ was needed.
  • FIXED: Bug with where blank names would appear on job/spacebook events screens. (Due to no relationship adjustment text appearing on work/event screens when relationship is newly capped.)
  • Added a confirmation dialogue before deleting saves!
  • NPCs who have grudges against other NPCs you know only hold it against you when you are actually Spacebook friends with them now. So, if you invite someone to a Spacebook event who doesn’t turn up because you’re Spacebook friends with one of their enemies, you can now unfriend the enemy if you wish to successfully invite them to events in future. :wink:
  • Added a ‘relationship overlay’ to remind you of who, if anyone, you’re currently dating, and if you’ve remembered to interact with them today.
  • Right-hand-side notifications panel now scrollable, now contains profile pictures and clickable links to NPC profiles!
  • THIS IS THE EXPERIMENTAL ONE: Added a ‘Social Map’ feature, showing top 20 (if applicable) most significant/dramatic relationships (i.e. strongest friendships and enemies!) for your character, and any NPCs. You can click anyone who is linked from your character’s map, in order to see their map. Feedback on whether or not this is useful, and how it could be improved to be more useful, would be greatly appreciated!

I hope all that makes sense! I’m still working through all of your existing feedback of course, as some changes are a bit more challenging to implement than others, but do keep your suggestions and bugs coming! Thank you.

:smiley: Awesome!, redownloading now, thanks for the update will look for any conflicting bugs :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Haha, thanks! Always appreciated. :wink:

I think i found a bug! (First of 0.4?) , Pressing the Inventory button twice will make your spacebook appear white and blank, the same goes for clicking career then spacebook, skills & Interests then spacebook, clicking them both twice however seems to show spacebook correctly.

Yay, Mitu, thats awesome. Gonna restart and send you some feedback sometime soon (most likely next week, but maybe earlier).
Also, a by the way question (And, maybe a suggestion) are those races and stuff only a cosmetic thing, or do they adjust anything? So far I only played human, sooo… games like this usually have something at the start that makes you more capable into using one of their end to reach a good ending. Does something like that happen here, or not? Is it intended to? Usually in cases it does, you can still use any of other endings, it just sets you up, so that one of them is easier for this playthrough.
Also! About the Tennis? Maybe you can invite one or three persons? Because you either play tennis 1 vs 1, or 2 vs 2? :>

Also. So far Social map is great!
Speaking of suddenly lvl 13 (THEY ARE ALWAYS LVL 13! IT IS LVL 13 CONSPIRACY! FNORD!) friends… At the start of the game. My boss. Is lvl 13. (but he is also an ambassador). So, this is not really a bug report. But I will send you a save. Stuff compels me to do this, so I do, and I encountered something weird! Yay!

Email sent.

New version releases should always be sticky threads! Almost didn’t find this thread.

Besides the complaining: Thanks for the update and keep up the great work :slight_smile:

Sorry about that! I didn’t have mod privileges on this forum till just now. :smiley: