[REQUEST] Turkey mod

Considering the presidential election is coming , I was wondering if anyone was working on a country mod for Turkey/

Mod : Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Republic of Turkey, Republik Türkei

I found the following sources:

:: for FLAG ::

flag_turkey.jpg (540.44 KiB)
by cliffski

Continental Flag Packs

:: he is building a Mod ::


Please PM contact and ask him, if he likes to post his work so far
to share with you and us.

:: Mod on STEAM ? ::

There may be a Mod you seek on STEAM:
Turk, Turkey, Turkish, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
I do not know, yet.

I found one on STEAM!
Well, yet, it is a very early version in development :wink:

steamcommunity.com/workshop/brow … 245470&p=4
scroll down

steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f … earchtext=
Democracy 3 > Workshop > Workshop von seaxon
Turkey Mod 0.1 Turkiye Modu
10. Aug. 2014 14:58

Well, yes, to be allowed to download it
you probably need to get an account for STEAM.
It’s free but you need to register there.


:: do-it-yourself Mod : Türkiye Cumhuriyeti , Republic of Turkey , Republik Türkei ::

I found old code …

I used this code provided by spacemarine
on Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:51 am
for his Turkey Mod (Democracy2).

… and changed/transformed it for Democracy3.
Here is most of the result.


currency = “£”
// Türkische Lira (TRY)
population = 38334
// 76.667.864
economic_cycle_start = 0.12
min_income = 2320
max_income = 43434
min_gdp = 425000
max_gdp = 851400
// 851400 Mil USD official GDP 2014
wealth_mod = 1.0
starting_debt = 386786
// spacemarine2008 : 150000
// 386786 official debt 2014
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_external_debt
name = turkey
guiname = “Republic of Turkey”
names_file = “data\names~~names.txt" _______ pls add them, sorry I can’t !
term_length = 20
max_terms = -1
details_image = "
description = “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti (Republic of Turkey) Tebrik ederim Basbakanim. - The Bridge between Europe and Asia. With the election won it is now time to get about turning Anatolia into an economic and political power house. The country has a large public debt and the government currently has a spending deficit. There are a number of problems and situations that already demand your attention.”
// ___sorry, some Turkish special characters are not supported by ANSI/UTF-8 text/D3
// membership of
// United Nations (UN) since 1945 ,
// Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) since 1969 ,
// G-20 ,
// Internationaler Währungsfonds (IWF) ,
// OSZE (1973)
// membership of NATO (since 1952) ,
// EG-Assoziierungs-Abkommen (1963) ,
// Europäische Zollunion mit der EU (1996) ,
// EU-Beitrittskandidat (seit 3. Oktober 2005)
flag = “flag_turkey.jpg”
apathy = 0.32
jobtitle = “President”
GUID = 0


Foundation: = “1923 by Kemal Atatürk”
// Mustafa Kemal Pascha, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk;
// general, country savior and founder, national hero, 1st president
Population: = “13 648 000 (1927)”
Population: = “76 667 864 (2013)”
Land Size: = “783 562 sq km”
GDP per capita: = “$11 277 ; $19 080 PPP”
Gini (2010): = “40.2 medium (56th)”
HDI (2013) : = “0.759 high (69th) : Human Development Index”
Religion: = “99% Muslim”
// about 80 to 85% Sunni, 15 to 20 % Alevites
Ethnicity: = “77% Turks, 14 to 18 % Kurds”
Famous Food: = “Döner Kebab”
Domestic Animals: = “… mio sheeps, … mio goats, … mio cattle”
Life Expectancy: = “73 years”
Tourism: = " … foreign visitors in millions"
// (mainly south coast and Istambul)

// nothing changed by me here
CarUsage = 0.5
OilSupply = 0.2
IncomeTax = 0.40
CorporationTax = 0.32
SalesTax = 0.25
CarTax = 0.2
PetrolTax = 0.75
BusLanes = 0.2
StatePensions = 0.1
UniversityGrants = 0.1
ForeignAid = 0.2
StateSchools = 0.53
StateHealthService = 0.30
TobaccoTax = 0.1
UnemployedBenefit = 0.1
Narcotics = 0
HandgunLaws = 0.2
AlcoholLaw = 0.4
PropertyTax = 0.5
AlcoholTax = 0.9
CitizenshipTests = 0.4
Creationism = 0.9
// = 0.9 _____ ??
AdultEducationSubsidies = 0.3
ChildcareProvision = 0.30
DetentionWithoutTrial = 0.5
[/code]___sorry, some Turkish special characters are not supported by ANSI/UTF-8 text/D3

For some demographics etc I was able to find sources on the internet.
I added these in [stats].

Do-it-yourself - still some work to do, by you :wink:
You need to create these values by youself, pls.

  1. download flag(s) for
    flag = “flag_turkey.jpg”
    details_image = “~~~~~~_details.jpg”

  2. start conditions of voter types:
    Patriot = 0.8
    Socialist = 0.4
    Environmentalist = 0.1
    Farmers = 0.6
    Religious = 0.7
    ( values by spacemarine on Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:51 am )
    Please, create these start conditions by scripts / by grudges (permanent, not fading).

  3. Turkish names:
    ( suggestion by spacemarine on Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:51 am : )
    partyname = “Justice and Development”
    oppname = “The Peoples’ Republican Party”

I hope, this encourages you on your way!
Good luck!