School Sponsorship Dilemma - typo?

I was checking out what the positives and negatives were of some of the dilemmas (trying to figure out which groups are pleased/displeased with which answers) and I ran across the following in the SchoolSponsorship.txt dilemma:

OnImplement = “CreateGrudge(SchoolSponsorship,Liberal,-0.08,1.0f);CreateGrudge(SchoolSponsorship,LiteracyRate,0.05,1.0f);”

OnImplement = “CreateGrudge(SchoolSponsorship,Liberal,-0.08,1.0f);”

If I’m reading this correctly, you’ll lose 8% with the Liberals no matter what you do, but option0 will increase the Literacy rate by 5%. Should the value in option1 be 0.08 instead of -0.08 so there is some sort of benefit to this dilemma? Or is this truly a case of Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t?

It should also affect Capitalists as well.