The Matmos Rift - The Story So Far...

Ace, I greatly enjoyed part 3 of the Matmos Rift tale. Your characterizations were right on target; never once did you paint Sanderson or his crew as cliché-spouting mannequins…quite the opposite. It’s not easy to write convincing prose when the situation is battle against an unknown enemy, but you excelled. I was enjoying the tale so much that I was sad when I got to the end of the post. More, please!

I have to applaud the way in which you deftly captured the racial flavor of the Federation. That was a real delight – from the ship names and the constant cash-conscious actions, right down to Sanderson’s last words. Heh-heh…one might think that all the poor guy really wanted was to kick back with a copy of a certain under-appreciated movie starring Bruce Willis. That’s just a wild guess, of course. :wink: You’d need to have the eyes of a hawk to spot the truth. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gonna keep monitoring this thread for the next installment of your increasingly cool tale of mystery and terror amidst the stars!

Now THAT is feedback. Astro, you simply write about what I felt, but I could not explain in words, I applaud your facility to express yourself (as allways that i read your replies and stories ^^).

Back to the topic, loved so much the story that i have read the entire topic three times lol.

Glad to hear that poor old Admiral Sanderson’s last mission went over so well. For those of us reading it, anyway. :wink: As the discerning thread reader might already know, there are in fact two more blank posts up toward the top here. And, in what can only be a cosmic-scale coincidence, there are two more bits of backstory to stick in before the Matmos Rift bursts forth to destroy us all. Stay Tuned!

Well spotted sir, and exactly right the first time! :slight_smile:

My face! That was very good, you got the fed’s right to the heart of there race! I also liked the mat-mos rifts sense of mystery and fairytale among the people of the federation, well done!

This is shaping up to be my new favorite mod. Excellent backstory, superb concept, wonderful presentation.


It’s been entirely too quiet in here this week. In an effort to shake things up, Part 4 of the Matmos Rift backstory has been posted!

Not quite as many pretty pictures, more flowery text, and a few inter-continuity nods tossed in for flavor. Hope you enjoy!

That was damn good! You kept the federations money minded’ness and you also made quite an interesting relationship between the feds and rebels, trust a rebel to do something rebeliouse :smiley: Cant wait for the release, those turret placments outside of the ship’s are very cool!

…when do we figure out they are…ALIVE!!!

Oh man, same as always, loved your story =D

Why is this so perfect? WHY? I need the mod NOW.

Patience, my friend. In truth, I timed the sections of story not so well - the amount of work that needs done to properly present the last chunk of backstory is … considerably more than I was planning on. But work is proceeding apace, and I fully anticipate a beta release of some sort in the next couple of weeks (I’m not narrowing it any more than that). I’m working against my own natural “sell no wine before its time” tendencies, but there is a minimum portion of the final mod that HAS to be complete before I will be comfortable releasing it into the wild.

At long last, the final piece of the Matmos backstory has arrived! And it even brought along a download link for the mod! See the first page for details.

Oh man, at last, an energy based race ready to fight in GSB!
And about the story, an outstanding piece of work, great job man. Downloading mod! =D

EDIT: After making a fast test, the mod looks awesome, there is some overpower on them yeah, but i like what i’m playing and that that i’ve not tested the unlockable stuff!
There is something that i dont know if you have intentionally done, i’ve applied to my game the change on zoom settings, meaning that i can look the entire battlefield, and i’ve noticed something that i really like from the matmos rifts, when they are moving a visual effect caused as result of the detail, shappe and colouring of the core of each rift combined with the pixels of my LCD Monitor creates something similar to an electric energy fluctuation over the core, something that shocked me when i saw it and instatly started to zoom in to see what was happenning there lol.

Anyone can see the same effect? =D

its a bug with a cirtain compression setting i think. i had the same “problem” on my Liberator cruiser once. i dont really know how i fixed it :confused:

it seems to work as an advantage on this mod though :slight_smile:

Glad to hear you’re enjoying it! I hope the unlockable modules/hulls don’t turn out to be super-OP; I trust that you and others will alert me if that’s the case. :slight_smile:

I didn’t do it deliberately (though I would have if I knew how) - I actually see that “ripple” effect on a lot of the ships when zoomed to extents. But I’m not complaining, since I do like the way it looks. :slight_smile: