there should be a bank

im tired of having money, saving for a car and getting it all ninja-ed by some street thief

I second that one…I can never afford a burglar alarm or anything even MORE expensive, even with high paying jobs, because when I get half way, someone breaks into my house and steals all my money lol

what you need is kung fu skills or muscles

… and a dog for your house. Mind you, everyone needs at least one dog and one cat for their house if you ask me. Or even if you didn’t.

Yep … a dog for the house until you can buy the burglar alarm (which doesn’t require constant feeding) and a kickboxing or kung fu class to defend yourself.

Thanks, tried that and it worked nicely. :slight_smile: Got my first car, woo lol :slight_smile: I never tried that before cuz i just hate dogs, but i guess my people will be dog lovers from now on lol

you sound like a happy gamer. don’t forget to vote for kudos :smiley: (see the post titled ‘vote for me’)

Done :smiley: