[Weapon]Extreme Range Weapons

Hi all, i was thinking and what i really wanted are some long range frigate weapons to complement my cruisers; so i made them!

Frigate ‘Lancer’ Laser (shortest range of all longrange weapons, but most all around):

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
armour_penetration = 12
beam_duration = 500
beamwidth = 4.0
blasttexture = "beam_blue_atlas.dds"
category = "WEAPONS"
classname = "SIM_BeamWeaponModule"
color = 60,255,255
cost = 100
crew_required = 9
damage = 10
description = "These lasers add that long-range punch you may have been looking for, if you have a few arms and legs to spare..."
fire_interval = 3000
guiname = "Frigate 'Lancer' Laser"
hitpoints = 20
icon = turret
max_range = 1850
min_range = 550
name = "frigate_lancerlaser"
optimum_range = 1600
powerconsumed = 7
shield_penetration = 12
size = "FRIGATE"
slot_type = TURRET
sound = "data/sounds/scifi_shot_v1.ogg"
soundvolume = 0.5
texture = "beam_blue_atlas.dds"
tracking_speed = 1.5
turret_sprite = "turret_las_v1"
turretsize = 7.0
weight = 20
uisortpos = 1020

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

Long Range Rocket Launcher (best against armor):

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
armour_penetration = 16
category = "WEAPONS"
classname = "SIM_MissileModule"
cost = 115
crew_required = 7
damage = 6
decoy_release_range = 1
description = "This rocket launcher fires blindingly fast long-range projectiles, and it's cheap, but it lacks the punch of regular rockets."
fire_interval = 460
flareuvid = 2
fuel = 1650
guiname = "Long Range Rocket Launcher"
has_decoys = 0
has_flare = 1
has_splines = 0
hitpoints = 32
icon = turret
min_range = 700
max_range = 2200
missilelength = 4.0
missilespeed = 2
missilewidth = 2.0
name = "frigate_rocket_launcher"
powerconsumed = 1.5
shield_penetration = 4
size = "FRIGATE"
sound = data/sounds/missile_launch.ogg
soundpriority = 0.25
soundvolume = 0.23
tracking_speed = 1.3
trail_fade_time = 90
turnspeed = 0
turret_sprite = "turret_miss_v2"
turretsize = 7.5
warhead = EXPLOSIVE
weight = 40
slot_type = TURRET
uisortpos = 1160

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = min_range,DECIMAL
12 = has_decoys,BOOL

Sniper Laser (best at shield attacking):

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
blasttexture = "turret_blast_yellow.dds"
armour_penetration = 1
category = "WEAPONS"
classname = "SIM_BulletWeaponModule"
color = 3
cost = 125
crew_required = 10
damage = 16
description = "When you want to chip away at shields from range, this sniper cannon is your best choice. It does about as much damage to armor as a flashlight does to a wall though."
fire_interval = 1500
guiname = "Sniper Laser"
height = 15
hitpoints = 30
icon = turret
max_range = 2400
min_range = 800
name = "frigate_sniper_laser"
optimum_range = 2000
powerconsumed = 5
size = "FRIGATE"
slot_type = TURRET
sound = data/sounds/laser_turret_shot3.ogg
soundvolume = 0.5
speed = 50
tracking_speed = 1.5
turret_sprite = "turret_auto_v1"
turretsize = 10.0
weight = 40
width = 6
uisortpos = 1040

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = damage,DECIMAL
6 = fire_interval,INTEGER
7 = tracking_speed,DECIMAL
8 = shield_penetration,DECIMAL
9 = armour_penetration,DECIMAL
10 = crew_required,INTEGER
11 = optimum_range,DECIMAL
12 = min_range,DECIMAL

Long Range Target Painter (high range, but consumes a boatload of any ship resource you’d care to name):

unlockcost = 0
lockable = 0
classname = "SIM_TargetPainterModule"
category = "WEAPONS"
size = "FRIGATE"
name = "frigate_targetpainter"
guiname = "Long Range Target Painter"
description = "A long range version of the target painter. It consumes a large quantity of ship resources though, so bring your best power plant."
fire_interval = 10000
beam_duration = 6000
max_range = 1700
color = 255,16,16
weight = 200
hitpoints = 150
cost = 225
icon = turret
crew_required = 15
powerconsumed = 10
texture = target_painter_beam.dds
turret_sprite = "turret_pd_v1"
turretsize = 14.0
tracking_speed = 1.2
slot_type = TURRET
uisortpos = 1210

0 = cost,DECIMAL
1 = weight,DECIMAL
2 = hitpoints,DECIMAL
3 = powerconsumed,DECIMAL
4 = max_range,DECIMAL
5 = fire_interval,INTEGER
6 = crew_required,INTEGER

All weapons have a high minimum range, and consume a relatively high cost and weight to compensate for their abilities.

Insert each code block into a separate text file in the data/modules subfolder of your game install.

Donations of sounds, turret graphics, and balancing suggestions are welcome!

Update v1.1: upped the cost of all the weapons, decreased base damage of the Lancer laser (it was just a little too good), and tweaked the Rocket Launcher description.
Update v1.11: upped the damage of the Long Range Rocket Launcher and Sniper Laser weapons some, they didn’t seem quite effective enough.

You put the sniper code twice.

Thanks for pointing that out, fixed :slight_smile: