What is *ACTUALLY* going on with Armor

Ok, I’ve been doing some test play-throughs and its pretty clear that there is no real danger of armor becoming in any way ‘overpowered’ just because I’ve reduced that stacking penalty. I just fielded a bunch of armor tanks against some challenges, and although they did last longer now than they would have, they still eventually fell before enemy weapons, so I’m suspecting that it would make sense just to get that new ‘fixed armor resistance’ mechanic out there and see how people feel about the usefulness (or otherwise) of armor once thats live and in the field…

Cliffski, by ‘fixed armor resistance’ I’m assuming you mean Yurch’s idea?

If so, the ‘block chance’ mechanic looks like a really good idea. It has clear strengths and weaknesses, and should provide at least ‘some’ additional defense for Frigates and Fighters. Actually it is quite an Elegant idea – and that’s pretty high praise. Mechanically it is a big change, but the big picture of ‘armor increases survivability, but has clear weaknesses’ does not change.

I think you should apply the Stacking change, +ArHP, increase Beam Laser (except Snipers) Pen (Xinx’s idea), AND switch to the ‘fixed armor resistance’ mechanic. If you are willing to try it, I’m on board.

Arrgh, no by ‘fixed’ i just mean make sure that the in-game values match the design values, nothing more yet. (plus the stacking values change)

Making sure that the in-game values match the design values is needed.

But I think you should also at least boost some armor penetration values, because otherwise armor cannot be penetrated on “no dreadnought” maps (see your own post below)