What's YOUR favorite race? (updated and cleared)

Is the Alliance Python the only cruiser hull in the game with 9 hardpoints? … or am i thinking of a different alliance hull? … there was one there with 9/9 standard/hardpoint modules. Either way, that 9-hardpoint hull is capable of just a little bit more firepower per ship than any other in the game. A single, 9-missile launcher ship can put out a fairly impressive salvo on its own… or, 8 missiles plus a scrambler beam so you have the 8 launchers plus some countermeasure to opposing missiles.

The Alliance impress me as being pretty good. It was the Empire I found to be the most difficult to work with. Federation, Alliance? Pretty Good. Rebels? Just amazing speed, plus the most interesting selection of fighter hulls. Tribe? A combination of so many hitpoints, and a good damage repair unit that it seems like nothing else matters.

Although lately, it seems to me that laser fighters really shred Tribe ships.

Federation… :slight_smile:

9 Hardpoints yes, But I don’t actually use them. It was the reason I started using Alliance. Several generations of shipping later and I use 8 hardpoints for weapons on the majority of my Python based designs. Some only use 3 for weapons. On the other hand, Pythons can be packed fairly close together, though if they move a significant distance they can spread out rather messily. And as Crakker found out they have the best first strike capability when someone sets movement speeds down to 1%.

Yeah, about that Python… It’s a cruel twist to have an armor bonus in conjunction with 9 tempting weapon slots to ruin that armor ratio with.

Empire. Huge ships, strong shields, ruthless emperor, what more could you want?

Alliance take second place for being weirdo aliens with awesome ship names.

I voted tribe, but that’s mostly because there wasn’t an “all of the above” option. (plus because it made me #13 to vote tribe, hee hee.)

I love 'em all - though I haven’t hit a stride with Alliance or Empire, since I bought the expansion pack before I unlocked either of them. Plus I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the module-heavy Empire hulls - isn’t the formula for how many guns to put on P=Plenty?

And the tribe edges out in front because of their concept. Space-hippies in ships that routinely burn all through the battle. What’s not to like? And their ships are so beautifully bulky and unwieldy-looking. It grabs me in a way that probably isn’t very wholesome. Ew. :wink:

I voted fed… :wink:

But hands down, rebels have the best fighter hull. 3 modules, 2 weapons? I mean come on! best engine, best amour, laser AND missile? KILLS EVERYTHING! fighters, frigates, cruisers? It shreds them like tissue paper!

Everyone seems to like the rebel fighters, however I find them lacking.
I don’t have tribal expansion so I cannot have an opinion on them.
I haven’t played alliance yet but nothing about them has caught my interest. I don’t like to armor tank in this game.

I’m kinda torn between Federation and the Empire.
Aesthetically speaking I prefer the federation. The ships remind me of another certain federation, especially with the lasers and plasma.
For me Imperial ships look too similar, every time I form a fleet I have to move the cursor over a ship to know what type it is.

I found I like imperial fighters the best, they’re fast and can take anything out if theres enough of them.
I think federation has the best frigates with the possible exception of the weapons platform being the best DPS frig.
The empire is too dependent on shields and blow up too quick when shields fail. Federation can have nice shield tanks but dont have an over dependence on them.
Though my main federation cruiser costs 3k credits it has the survivability of 3 game generic cruisers. I’ve built some nice rebel cruisers but they’re just not as good.

End result, my vote is for the federation.

i vote rebels because there so danm awsome!!!1

Tribe is my hands down favorite.

I’m surprised I don’t see more players using them for the survival challenges.

Mostly I don’t use them much because my tribe fleets have an annoying tendency to wind up being three frigates with no functional weapons dashing around the screen outrunning most of the fire launched at them and repairing the bits that hit them. Takes forever for the damn thing to wrap up. And I don’t get a huge increase in score over the other races anyway.

Forgot to answer why I like the tribe so much…their toughness.

Tribe, because their ships look cool(Despite being green), and they just last and last and last and last and last…

My second choice would be Empire… The ships are so different looking… IRL I would crap my pants if I saw an Empire fleet coming at me… =D (TMI?)


The Fen is a wicked little platform for distributing hate and discontent.

Alliance, for their excellent armour bonus. I also like their long Cruiser which has good weapon range flexibility. Short optimum range weapons toward the front and longer optimum range weapons toward the rear.

I like my anti-fighter frigates to have over 12 armour too - Makes them almost invulnerable to fighters.

Tribe, because I like space hippies. Also they are very hard to destroy, even in scenarios where there are no shields, armor, or even no repair. They are a bit weaker against lots of fighters, but I then usually put a few fighter killers into my fleet on the edges that get taken down by the first fighter waves, but take most of the fighters with them.

But then I only have the game for a week or so.

Hmmm …

Seems like as of a couple days ago, this thread is missing a vote option, huh?


have you voted yet? if so, you cannot vote again.

Indeed I have, however I was referring to the fact that there is no results bar for the Order. Poor religious fanatics being left out of everyone else’s reindeer games…

oh crap >.<

i will update the poll, however the scores will be erased, and the poll will be in a new topic

so look for the one made on March 5 :wink: