Why does the challenge history show a phantom attempt?

Hi Everybody,

I just started playing this game and I must say I’m absolutely addicted. I’ve been playing late every night this week and then dragging my butt into work the next morning. Cliff is single handedly responsible for my decreased productivity!

Anyway just a question - I’ve been attempting some online challenges with mixed success but I’ve noticed one thing. When I win a battle it always seems to show a phantom “attempt” that never happened.

So for example if I play once and win, the history shows:

RedBlackWolf Attempt
RedBlackWolf Victory

If I play once and lose and then win on the second attempt I see:

RedBlackWolf Attempt
RedBlackWolf Attempt
RedBlackWolf Victory

Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding something?

“attempt” doesnt mean “failure”

an attempt/victory means you attempted it and won

Oh I understand…

So an attempt (with nothing after it) means you attempted it and failed. A attempt with a victory after it means you had success.


yep :smiley:

What if I download and beat it twice? (no losses).

Does it show:




i think the 1st one