Dutch Translation!

Inspired by Timm, and his amazing effort to bring some German lanquage in the community (which can be found here: http://positech.co.uk/forums/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=18405), I thought; Let me make some Dutch translations for those who want it!

I’ll try to keep them updated at much and as fast as I can. Just let me know when somehing needs to be translated differently. or you might encounter any problems!

How to:

  • Download the file
  • Go to your main installation folder of PL (Program Files (x86) for instants)
  • Inside the PL main directory; go to the data folder
  • Back-up the strings.ini (in cases something goes wrong, or you just want to go back) (Copy is OUTSIDE the PL folders!)
  • Rename the file you just downloaded to: strings (just strings)
  • Place it inside the data folder, and replace the original strings file
  • Enjoy!

Version 1.22!
strings - 1.22_NL.ini (15.4 KB)

Hi, somehow I have missed this, but it would be great to get an update dutch version into the official version of the game. Is it possible for you to update it to include the recent additions?

Is there still an interest in this? If there is I am willing to maintain Dutch translation git repo. Please let me know.

I’m also Dutch and I would really like to help translating it using Git :slight_smile:

That is good to hear. Is it ok if I sent you private message to discus this further for the technical details? Than I can use Dutch. I don’t like to use Dutch on an international forum.

That fine with me :wink:

Sorry for my late post. I got a new project at work that is demanding a lot of my spare time. Unfortunately I will not be able to pick-up this project yet.

My apologies.

I can/will help. I started it once, but It’s difficult to translate some things because I don’t know how to “call” things. Your speaking for the “whole” Dutch community then. I can get some help with that. If there is someone who will or can help, you can send me a message! (I am Dutch)

I am no translation expert but I think the most important thing with translating is for the translation to make sense within the right context! I’ve seen some translations gone wrong because they went for a word-for-word translation in the wrong places.

It could be good to have a few dutchies who you can ask if you have doubts about the correct translation. Just pick out the translation you like from the responses you get and you’re ready. :slight_smile:


I think it is the easiest to work with Github. I’ve created a repository for it here: https://github.com/marzman95/pl-dutch. However I’m not sure whether it is allowed to post the original strings on Github, so maybe Cliffski can tell me before I upload these?