Balance suggestion for "Diversity Quotas for Companies"

Like seriously, Phrenology was discredited in the 1840’s. There’s literally no reason to believe in that stuff today.

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I’m not an expert either, but I believe a big part of it was just location. Historically, at least in the US, Minorities (especially African Americans) were restricted to areas with poor infrastructure and low property prices.

Low property prices and poor infrastructure lead to lower income from property taxes for public services and a resultant decrease in standard of living and education. Of course, there are probably many other reasons besides that, but unfortunately I am not knowledgeable enough to know them.

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I think that I can tell you as a so-to-speak “Brown” person (I don’t agree with that classification and while not speaking for all brown people), that my intellectual prowess or lack thereof is not based upon strictly biological reasons, it could be disinterest, lack of access to proper materials (not poverty in my case), and other reasons that are escaping me at this moment. while I can understand there maybe some biological aspect to intelligence, disease, malnutrition, pollution, toxins/poisons, etc., which are not restricted to “Brown” people. To say that there is one strictly specific biological reason that undermines my intelligence, is to the best of my knowledge, not correct. If some group of studies in the future can establish contrary to mainstream science today that there truly is some strictly specific biological reason to explain a difference of intellect in geographically distinct human populations, I’m all ears. And while 52% of homicides (which is not the same as murder), maybe performed by Black men in the US, the recipients of that violence are also black people (46.5%), and the underlying cause of that is not directly race, it is the segregation and poverty caused by discriminatory laws which increases crime. And the rates of crime in equally poor whites is hard to find, due to the great income/wealth disparity in America. Additionally poverty may not also be the reason behind this high-rate of crime amongst Black men, but easy access to weapons in the US and lack of opportunity and father figures (as children without fathers are more likely to commit crime themselves), fathers who are also jailed by the criminal justice system. This is not just a black problem, as you can see with the Italian mafia or the Russian mafia. Poverty alleviation is the best way to stop crime and violence and reduce racial tension, not looking at and magnifying quasi-biological reasons. In the study that you posted, they do notice the effect that biology may have on crime (which I find dubious, wouldn’t stupider people find it harder to commit crime? Crime requires smarts. Planning, acquisition of crime implements and other resources, creating a group of fellow criminals, executing said crime, etc.), but even accepting this at face value, they go on to mention in their conclusion that social environmental factors have a greater role to play than biological environmental factors. Affluent white folks commit more white collar crime (money laundering, etc.) and the same could be true for affluent Black folks. A poor country like the Western Sahara/Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (a black arab country) for example, you see more violence in self-defence against Moroccan military aggression and the war crimes committed by the POLISARIO front (Western Sahara Gov) than intra-state crime (although unreported crime is entirely possible from low-info zones, but of course, one must ask if war crimes and human rights abuses have been documented, then why not internal crime?). Poverty also includes malnutrition (obesity/starvation), which can lead to a lower brain size in humans, due to to said poor nutrition. It just so happens that the colonial/post-colonial era, poverty was rampant in exploited nations and their leaders were too corrupt to look after their citizens, except for some notable exceptions. This colonial/post-colonial era also includes slavery, jim crow, modern slavery and racial discrimination as the continued reasons behind black poverty. The placement of polluting industries in ethnic minority areas, the blacks in US or the Roma in the EU, add to the brain underdevelopment, damage and general impairment seen in these groups (the genetic Down Syndrome) for example. I If I was to place my opinion Europeans by my exclusive study of the black death and the dark ages, I too would be tempted to come to the same conclusion (at which time the largest economies were India and China), when this dark age for the minorities passes, any outstanding brain deficiencies in the data will also disappear. My intention is not to convince you, but perhaps bring to your notice these facts which may appeal to your reason.

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What i say is that multiculturalism and forced integration do not work. Simply put you can take a Black out of Africa, but you cannot take Africa out of a Black.

Im against non-White immigration and i believe Europeans are suffering from suicidal altruism right now.

If you import tens of thousands of Blacks the interested place would become Nigeria.
Same thing with Mexicans and Middle Easterners.

And what all those places have in common other than being dysfunctional societies? Race.
If you import the third world, you are going to become the third world. What is happening right now is a legalized invasion.

“Racism” is inherent in nature. Animals and Humans alike have in-group preference for their own race.
That’s normal and healthy.

You dont see lions hanging around with tigers, on the other hand if you place lions and tigers in the same territory they would fight for supremacy.
That is what’s happening in the United States and it wont end good, the probability of a “race war” are much higher than you think. And if it happens that could have been completely avoidable.

There are undeniable links between Race and intelligence (IQ) Blacks, for example, commit disproportionately more crime because they are not biologically made to live in an advanced civilization. Built by Whites, for Whites.

Even when infrastructure have been given to them ( Liberia, South Africa, Haiti) they still managed to turn the place into cesspits within years, and as you can see its not “systemic racism” since they are the ones in power there.

And “systemic racism” is a lie, POCs gets special treatments in America thanks to Affirmative Action and SJWs politicians. POCs are using victimhood to seize power away from the Whites.

Ultimately, immigrants should strive to build their own advanced society and to not search for the easy way of occupying an established one.
Here are some sources you can consult:

Regarding your idea that “If you import tens of thousands of Blacks the interested place would become Nigeria,” I do not believe that is historically correct. As an example, after the phasing out of indentured servants as the workforce in America, African Slaves became the dominant population group in many areas of the southern US, notably South Carolina where Black Slaves made up up to 65% of the total population.

With this massive disparity between Whites and Blacks in the south and furthered large scale importation of African Slave labour, we did not end up seeing South Carolina turn into “the third world.” African Americans in South Carolina - Wikipedia

Furthermore, your ideas on Europeans suffering from non-white immigration is known as the idea of The Great Replacement - Wikipedia. Historically we can see with the Seattle and Richmond BC areas that high immigration will not result in a “death” of white culture. Minorities make up around 25% of the Seattle population and nearly half of the BC population. It is pretty clear that there has not been conflict, a takeover by minorities, or a failure in multiculturalism there.

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Look at the percentage of Blacks in a city and compare it with crime stats.

Blacks are seven times more likely than Whites to commit murder.

They are literally tearing down our statues, abolishing our festivities, companies wont hire unless you partake in an “anti-whiteness” program (look Coca Cola), they constantly push White guilt through CRT in schools, the media always pandering to the Blacks, always ready to give them excuses, “socio economical factors”.

Multiculturalism is a scourge done in the name of “diversity” but how can there be “diversity” if everyone is mixed into one brownish rootless race? and the Great Replacement is very real.

Multiculturalism does not work, we are biologically wired to feel a sense of belonging to our own kind, Blacks know and feel that tribalism, but if Whites feel the same thing its “racist”.

This is what im talking about:

I think that it’s best that I no longer address this issue with you. It’s blatant racial stereotyping that you’re doing. And while there are legitimate and real concerns in your writings, coupled with real problems faced by multi-ethnic societies, your arguments seem to revolve around greater segregation and disproven biological determinism for humans (specifically), instead of integration and harmony. Humans are more of a product of ingenuity, because flexibility and adaptation is part of our genes, as the more flexible and adaptable a species is, the more successful it is. And unfortunately, it seems that instead of reading what we are writing, and responding in kind like we are, you’re mass posting links, this is not a conversation, this is a monologue, with you at the centre of it. Hence, I will not, and it’s likely the rest of us will not communicate any further with you on this matter, perhaps ever, but at the minimum when you begin to read our points and respond in kind as well.

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Which point i didnt address? Multiculturalism does not work, Races are different in terms of many many factors (to summarize, some are more civilized than others) and diversity brings only troubles because deep inside Humans are tribalistic.

Which of my points did you address instead?

I brought to the table facts and logic, you? Emotions…pandering to the poor oppressed POCs.
Emotions are not arguments, you think im going to cry if you say that i “stereotype”?
Guess what, stereotypes are accurate.

Whites have a right to their land. Nobody is saying to India, China or Japan that they should “integrate” or “adapt” with foreigners, but for some reasons this is forced on White nations, its obvious it is not working, no matter how much the government throws (my) money at the problem.

In the meantime London is basically one big mosque and Paris is Nigeria but with the Eiffel Tower.

If that’s what you think, then what will you do if I tell you I am black?

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Closed because this has veered into angry political debate thats not really about the game… Please be respectful.

(Also, as someone who was born in London, I think the claim that its a big mosque is wildly exaggerated. My family still live there and I visit regularly)