campaign - are enemy fleets random?

are the enemy fleets you encounter random? or do they travel around the map? basically does it download a fleet before each battle? does it try to match for comparable strength?

I’m just tired of running into huge fleets and having to retreat.

does the size of circle around an enemy planet signify strength? or is it just a circle? :slight_smile:

please help me know a way to figure out what im getting into. I’m going to try fighter scouts, but if the enemy fleet changes… then well…

Without access to the actual game engine, one can only infer. However, from my experiences, here is what I have concluded:

  1. Until a battle occurs, the AI accumulates “build points” based on its perception of the threat. This is not instantaneous, but happens over a number of turns.
  2. At the point that a battle is joined, the computer “buys” a fleet to oppose you, based on the number of points available to it per 01. above. This fleet is purchased from a list of fleets with the correct number of points, that actual players have used in other games. There may or may not be restrictions on the races available for this choice.
  3. For 02 above, a battle caused by scouting counts. After that point, the fleet scouted remains in place. It may move around, but it exists on the map and will not disappear or double in size, even if you ignore it for a couple of turns.
  4. The appearance of enemy fleets is not based on the existence of shipyards or repair facilities, but rather on the build points available and how long the computer has to respond.
    So fleets are not random, but are based on certain game-related factors which can be deduced and anticipated. Good luck!

I saw in one of cliffski’s posts that the computer builds more ships if you have a lot of ships on your border worlds. The computer builds less if your borders are empty/relatively undefended. It’s more effective to hold your main defense fleet back and simply retake your planets when they are attacked (since the computer will attack with smaller fleets).