Game purchase

Hello all!

Recently watched some videos on Big Pharma and I’m really interested in purchasing the game. I really like to use Amazon Payments for security reasons and usually don’t use any other service. The website is showing that it has Amazon Payments support but when I go to purchase the game, it’s not showing up as if it’s there. Is it legitimately not there or am I just missing something?

Thanks for any support!

Hi, amazon payments is temporarily disabled, as amazon completely changed the way the system worked, and the payment provider has to implement the new system :frowning: So for now, its not available. Sorry for the hassle.

Thanks for the response! Is there any estimated time before the service is back online?

A time estimate would be appreciated for amazon, as this would simplify the purchase for several of us. Thanks!

I will chase up the payment people…

Woot! It looks like Amazon payment is now accepted.

Hell, they’re accepting Bitcoin as well… I think that covers most payment options now.

YESSSSSSS! I love humble bundle, thanks Positech! Making it even easier by adding it to my humble bundle account lol. That’s great news, can’t wait to play the game!