Better mod tools coming...the progress thread

In the past the game has been pretty slcak about naming conventions and filenames and asked you to supply a lot of stuff which could conflict. So in theory you could have a mod called “Awesome Mod” with its data inside “not_awesome_mod” and an icon that was even different to both…

To make things work in a more streamlined way, we now force the icon to be the mod name, but lowercase and with .jpg, and the name of the mod is the lower case version of the GUI name for it, and the folder has to be that name too…

So some older stuff may break. But this will all be handled and sorted out eventually!

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Neither, I use steam workshop downloader

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Hi, not sure what you mean by that tbh? If you are subscribed to a mod, and then launch the game, it should download any mods on startup (including preview images) it shows the paths of the mods its updating at the bottom of the black screen with the positech logo on.

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Hahah… it’s a website that allows you to download things without being connected on steam. I don’t have Democracy 4 on steam :hugs:

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Hmm, this might be the case that if you have steam running, but you do not own the game on steam… then this happens.I had not thought of that, since it seemed counter-intuitive.
Where did you get the game?


Aaaaa I see, thanks. :hugs:

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Pretty much finished the policy editor now…


Ohhh, so that’s how Min Cost works, this explains why putting State Health on minimum gives you income.

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Cliff, I don’t have a mod. so i can’t click “add content”. You can do in the “Create a mod” window a button called “Create a mod”


Yup I agree the way this flows right now is not helpful. I may rename some stuff, but right now just focusing on getting everything in so it works, and creates the right files, then I can re-work the flow of it so its much, much clearer what to do.
Right now it only makes sense if you are a steam user creating a steamworks mod and then editing it…

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Situation editor making progress today:


What is “Steamwork”?

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How do I put the icon in a new policy or situation? Is there an “Upload Icon” button?

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There are no longer vigilante mobs on our streets and people are :relieved:


But how can i set special options in policies? (example: Military spending, Road building, etc…)


What are those special options?

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Steamworks is the API integration for releasing games on Steam.

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For example, in Military spending there are not the usual 4 options minimum low medium high maximum but only ceremonies, reserves, light defense, well trained, highly trained and overwhelming strength.


What you are talking about there are sliders. The sliders can be modded, and you do so just by creating a new ‘sliders.csv’ file and adding names to it for each language you support, and also a master sliders.csv that contains how many text items there will be…
…but I do intend to make a built in editor for those too, because that will be TONS easier :smiley:


I and I believe we all expect to create a mod ONLY from the game without creating any files external to the game. Do you assure us that mod creation will only be from the game?

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