Country modding does not work

When I tried to check my country, the game crashed. I did everything as it is in this video.

Unfortunately I also encountered this today after a frustrating hour or so trying every trick I could think of to get it to work.

In the end I downloaded another country mod which was already working and copy-and-pasted the [country_name].txt file (from the the root of the downloaded mod’s Mission folder) to the respective place in my mod’s folder. Then I renamed this file to match my country name, then started editing its values.

On my computer, Democracy 4 mods could be found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\1410710\...

Looking at the file I copied across, I wonder whether this missing section at the bottom of the file I copied is actually necessary for the game not to crash:

_prereq_has_coast = 1
_prereq_mining_industry = 1
_prereq_land_border = 0
_prereq_sovereign_currency = 1
_prereq_mining_industry = 1
_prereq_indigenous = 1
_prereq_deadly_animals = 0
_prereq_nuclear_tech = 0


Or perhaps there are policies which must be set but are missing from the default list the UI builder provides?

Hopefully this can get fixed soon. It was super demoralising to encounter this after pouring a bunch of time to calculate sensible default values!

Also the UI still lacks tooltips to walk you through the settings. My trial and error suggests:

  • The country map silhouette should be a white SVG on transparent background and should be stored in a svg folder at the top level of your mod folder (manually create it if it doesn’t exist). It should be named map_[country].svg
  • The country flag should be a PNG and located in the bitmaps folder at the top level of your mod folder (again, manually create it if it doesn’t exist). It should be named flag_[country].png

Hope this helps get you unstuck—go well!