Future belt intersections

Belt intersections seem to be on its way and I think they will require some thought. Maybe I am overthinking this and they are really no big deal, but here I go:

For example will you be able to have 2 items on them at the same time or will the throughput be limited to two cycle ticks with the items per direction cycling?
What about cost? Will they be cheap or increase in price per number placed? I think adding cheap belt intersections might ruin some parts of the challenge, as you might be able to move items wherever whenever you want. Then again placing increasingly more expensive intersection belts is very counter intuitive and not really an option in my opinion.

Personally, I would much rather like to see the ability to purchase and place wall sockets instead (maybe even the ability to relocate them for a somewhat cheaper cost). However I do not know how viable in the high end play this would be, as there might be more general issues that I have missed so far.

I feel like belt intersections might be something that could alter the gameplay significantly, but maybe all my fears are unwarranted. Just wanted to point out some thoughts that had crossed my mind and maybe they are helpful in considering additional content and its balance into the current system.