Suggestions For More Jerkass Policies

No, another conservative strawman. Normal abortion is too reasonable a concept to abhor, so populism derives shock porn to object to. It’s how you end up with zealots bombing clinics convinced they’re doing the right thing.
Point is, if we’ve got racial profiling, death penalty, women driving bans and the illegalisation of queer identities in the game, I’d love to see the inverse. Portlandia levels of farce. Crazy liberal and socialist laws exist out there too!



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Government-sponsored Eugenics program. Boosted by spending in cloning and genetics research. Depresses population, and lessens the impact of overcrowding on the country.

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Wouldn’t rugenics boost the population, it’s baically asking one group of people to have more children?

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I was more thinking along the lines of “removing” bad genetics from the population. Everyone else can have children normally.

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Although alternatively, it can be reducing the birth rates of “undesirable” people.

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Live Ammunition for protests.

Warning shots at minimum, indiscriminate at maximum.

(This is present in a few democracies today, most likely in their restive areas)

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yes, thats exactly what it is.

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So, it would balance out? I guess that would depend on the number of “desirable” v “undesirable”.

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well why would it? if the birth rate of “desirable” people aren’t increased then the overall population growth rate would slow.

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I guess it would depend on how you would implement it.