Autocracy / Government Coup Mod?

So I have been trying to get the state police achievement and I was wondering if there is or anyone thought of making a mod that would enable one to become a dictator so to speak. To be able to gain political power without needing the ministers, something like that.

Well, you can set that yourself by disabling political capital in the options menu.

Besides disabling Political Capital, it would be interesting if you could do this through the simulation of real-world autocratic coups.

Maybe executing a minister greatly increases the loyalty and effectiveness of the other ministers, also increasing your max PC. But then, their constituents become extremely unhappy and a large number join the radical terrorist cells that want you dead. Also, Foreign Relations would drop. But it could be a drastic measure for when you feel like you’re getting nowhere fast.

Also, if your approval rating is low, you can rig the election and hope you don’t get exposed!

Then you would also have to figure in a possibility for revolution when a group was able to rise up and attempt to depose you.

Just spit-balling. I’m pretty sure none of this can be done through the script-modding system, though. In fact, I am very sure of it.