Game does not Start when connected to monitor

I am running the game on a laptop and it does not start when it’s connected to a monitor. It works when run on laptop monitor. (It also works when it’s on duplicate screen mode when it’s connected to the monitor).

Here’s the debug.txt info:

[17:33:53:353]- ----DEBUG FILE----
[17:33:53:353]- Windows 7 detected
[17:33:53:353]- Game version: 1.251
[17:33:53:353]- setlocale was a success. Current locale is [C] should be C
[17:33:53:353]- Loading app options
[17:33:53:358]- app options loaded
GetLogicalProcessorInformation results:

[17:33:53:358]- Number of NUMA nodes: 1

[17:33:53:358]- Number of physical processor packages: 1

[17:33:53:358]- Number of processor cores: 8

[17:33:53:358]- Number of logical processors: 16

[17:33:53:358]- Number of processor L1/L2/L3 caches: 16/8/2

[17:33:53:358]- Setting Color palette
[17:33:53:358]- Updating BG shader
[17:33:53:358]- BG shader updated
[17:33:53:358]- Saving options
[17:33:53:359]- Options saved
[17:33:53:359]- Color palette set
[17:33:53:359]- Saving options
[17:33:53:360]- Options saved
[17:33:53:365]- Failed to open file: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents/My Games/democracy4/mod_status.ini : 2
[17:33:53:365]- GBufferedFile failed to open file [C:\Users\Administrator\Documents/My Games/democracy4/mod_status.ini]
[17:33:56:475]- Setting Color palette
[17:33:56:475]- Updating BG shader
[17:33:56:475]- BG shader updated
[17:33:56:475]- Saving options
[17:33:56:479]- Options saved
[17:33:56:479]- Color palette set
[17:33:56:481]- Desktop resolution is 1920 x 1080
[17:33:56:481]- Loaded Config: 1920x1080@0 [fullscreen]
[17:33:56:482]- GEngine::Init Engine mode: 1920x1080
[17:33:56:482]- GEngine::Desktop mode: 1920x1080
[17:33:56:482]- Matching desktop res
[17:33:56:482]- Calling SDL_CreateWindow: 1920x1080@0 [fullscreen]
[17:33:57:199]- Initialising 3D Engine
[17:33:57:228]- OpenGL Vendor : ATI Technologies Inc.
[17:33:57:229]- OpenGL Renderer: AMD Radeon RX 5600M
[17:33:57:229]- OpenGL Version : 4.6.148202 Compatibility Profile Context 21.3.1 27.20.15003.1004
[17:33:57:230]- Initialising global vertex buffer
[17:33:57:722]- Failed to open file: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents/My Games/democracy4/stats.ini : 2
[17:33:57:722]- GBufferedFile failed to open file [C:\Users\Administrator\Documents/My Games/democracy4/stats.ini]
[17:33:57:737]- Initialisizng Vector Engine
[17:33:57:983]- Setting vector Engine Dimensions
[17:33:57:985]- VE Clearing existing textures to replace with new [1920]x[1080]
[17:33:57:985]- Initializing Text
[17:33:57:985]- Creating font config
[17:33:57:986]- font config created
[17:33:57:986]- adding font directory
[17:33:58:119]- font map created
[17:33:58:119]- creating pango layout
[17:33:58:126]- pango layout created
[17:33:58:126]- PANGO context font map font families:
[17:33:58:126]- Noto Sans
[17:33:58:126]- Sans
[17:33:58:126]- Serif
[17:33:58:126]- Monospace
[17:33:58:128]- Attempting to initialise steam
[17:33:58:261]- Steam initialisation success
[17:33:58:261]- Checking steam workshop subscriptions…
[17:33:58:269]- Requesting steam stats…
[17:33:58:269]- …Steam stats requested
[17:33:58:269]- Initializing Input
[17:33:58:269]- Initializing sound
[17:33:58:269]- Initialising Sound Engine
[17:33:58:269]- Resetting Sound volumes to maximum
[17:33:58:269]- Loading in volume presets
[17:33:58:269]- Creating IrrKlang Device
[17:33:58:685]- ESOD_AUTO_DETECT worked ok
[17:33:58:685]- Finished Initialising Sound Engine
[17:33:58:687]- Failed to open file: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents/My Games/democracy4/tut_seen.ini : 2
[17:33:58:687]- GBufferedFile failed to open file [C:\Users\Administrator\Documents/My Games/democracy4/tut_seen.ini]
[17:33:58:687]- Setting game mode to splashscreen
[17:33:58:974]- Exiting splashscreen
[17:33:59:81]- Failed to open file: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents/My Games/democracy4/compass.ini : 2
[17:33:59:81]- GBufferedFile failed to open file [C:\Users\Administrator\Documents/My Games/democracy4/compass.ini]
[17:33:59:87]- Found 0 workshop subscriptions
[17:34:2:540]- Socialism LB size:33899

[17:34:2:540]- Liberalism LB size:33897

[17:34:2:540]- Received stats and achievements from Steam

[17:34:7:35]- Window close
[17:34:7:35]- Starting thread:[1][Post Session]
[17:34:7:35]- Start of SIM_Internet::OpenLink
[17:34:7:35]- Post Session thread created OK
[17:34:7:35]- releasing GEngine
[17:34:7:43]- End of SIM_Internet::OpenLink
[17:34:7:43]- democracy4/server/post_session.php?&ver=1.251&duration=0.16&palette=Light&width=1920&height=1080&ave_fps=36.20&worst_fps=55.00
[17:34:7:43]- SIM_Internet::DownloadFile(C:\Users\Administrator\Documents/My Games/democracy4/webdebug/tmp785.html)
[17:34:7:63]- GEngine Released
[17:34:7:377]- SIM_Internet::DownloadFile ends
[17:34:7:377]- Start of SIM_Internet::CloseLink
[17:34:7:377]- End of SIM_Internet::CloseLink
[17:34:7:377]- Ending thread: [1][Post Session]
[17:34:7:402]- Thread manager Closed
[17:34:7:402]- Start of SIM_Internet::CloseLink
[17:34:7:402]- End of SIM_Internet::CloseLink

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Looks like it somehow adds second monitor to file path.
@cliffski did an oopsie somewhere.
Or middleware is acting up and is meddleware now.

That 2 is unrelated AFAIK.
If your laptop treats the monitor as a second video adaptor (it probably does). you can fix this by editing this file:
\my document\my games\democracy 4\prefs.ini
display = 1
instead of the default, which is display = 0.

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