HELP! Girl gamer needs advice with GSB

Hi guys,

I just bought a new pc, and downloaded steam.
It now won’t run GSB…it worked fine before hand but now wont run.
Doesn’t even seem to be installed, but steam won’t install it or anything…
I am So confused!

Thanks Guys


I’m sorry I cannot help because I don’t use steam.
With that comes my question, why buy GSB from steam? Why not buy direct from Positech like I do?

Moved to GSB Support.

Steam usually doesn’t give me any problems… for me, even if they do, after a while they usually disappear by themselves. But as far as I know, Steam’s support isn’t too shabby. Have you sent a help ticket or asked around on the Steam forums yet?

I’m not sure about ryutnm, but there was a sale on Steam, and that was an incentive for me to get GSB and upgrade my Steam account from a free one to a paid account. I have more against the lesser amount of love shown towards Mac users than I have against Steam.

so wait are you running a mac?